The Pantry Pt. 2

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A/N: Here's part 2. Hope you guys enjoy it 🌻.

One week later, Kendall is sitting on her bed, in Khloé’s house, and scrolling through Instagram when Y/N walks out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel covering her upper body.

“You’re so fucking antisocial.” Y/N says as she walks to get her clothes. Kendall looks up to reply but feels her throat go dry when she sees Y/N’s naked body. “Like what you see?” Y/N asks amused as she watches Kendall’s eyes trail down her body. “Shut up.” Kendall mumbles, her cheeks bright red while Y/N smirks at her.

“You’re so cute.” Y/N coos as she pulls on a pair of basketball shorts. “Fuck you.” Kendall says playfully flipping Y/N off. “I know you want to.” Y/N says with a smirk, winking at Kendall.

Kendall narrows her eyes at Y/N before getting off the bed and walking towards the basketball player. She adds a swing to her hips and pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. Y/N looks at Kendall with her eyebrow raised as the model grabs the black Nike hoodie from her hands.

"I really do wanna fuck you.” Kendall says seductively, her eyes trailing down Y/N’s body, causing the taller girl to gulp. “But I want your hoodie more.” Kendall says with a childish grin as she runs away from a stunned Y/N.

“You little shit!” Y/N shouts as she chases the running model. “Catch me if you can.” Kendall teases with the hoodie in her arms as she looks back at Y/N before darting out of the room, with Y/N hot on her heels.

After a few minutes of Y/N chasing Kendall around the house, she manages to catch up to Kendall and grabs the model from behind. “Got you!” she screams, lifting a screaming Kendall up off the floor.

“Put me down!” Kendall demands as she tries to wiggle out of Y/N’s grip while the basketball player carries her into the kitchen. “Your wish is my command.” Y/N jokes and sets the model down. Kendall turns around and narrows her eyes at Y/N who looks at her with a huge smile.

“You’re an asshole.” Kendall says playfully. “Yeah, but you love me.” Y/N says, pulling Kendall in for a chaste kiss.

“Can I have my hoodie now.” Y/N asks, pointing to the hoodie, still in Kendall’s hands. “No.” Kendall says as she puts the hoodie on, over her wifebeater. “Babe, c’mon. I can’t stay in my bra; I need to get going. Didn’t you say your sisters are coming over soon?” Y/N pleads as Kendall playfully sticks her tongue out at her.

Just before Kendall is able to answer they hear footsteps and voices enter the house. “Kendall! Are you home!? We brought food, you skinny bitch!” Khloé screams as her, Kourtney, Tristan and Kim walk into the house.

Kendall looks at Y/N, eyes wide with panic when she hears her sister’s voice. “I’m in the kitchen!” Kendall screams out, while looking at Y/N, her black lace bra in particular.

“What?” Y/N asks quietly, looking at Kendall. “Get in the pantry.” Kendall says, pushing Y/N in the direction of the pantry. “Kendall, come on, not again.” Y/N says as Kendall opens the pantry and pushes her into it. “Just stay here. Please.” Kendall begs as she hears the footsteps and voices getting closer, causing her to shut the door just before Khloé, Kourtney and Kim walk in.

Khloé eyes Kendall suspiciously as the model leans awkwardly on the counter next to the pantry. “Hey stranger, nice seeing you home for once.” Khloé says slowly as they walk to the table in the corner of the kitchen. “Hey.” Kendall greets nervously as she hugs all of her sisters.

“Why are you surprised that she's at home? ” Kim asks curiously. “Kendall didn't come home the last two nights.” Khloé says as they all sit down at the table. “What!?” Kourtney and Kim ask at the same time, turning to look at Kendall.

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