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“Hey Kenny!” Spencer screams, running into the kitchen and tackling Kendall with a hug. “Hey!” Kendall screams, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl. “I missed you so much.” Spencer mumbles as she pulls away from the taller girl. “You two are insane.” Kim says, watching the two girls in amusement. Both just turn and stick their tongues out at her.

“I can’t believe you’re finally going to be eighteen.” Spencer gushes as they go to sit around the kitchen table. “Me too. I can’t wait.” Kendall replies excitedly.

“Are you coming to Magic Mountain?” Khloé asks Spencer. “Of course! I wouldn’t miss it and it’s being rented out. Like who does that?” Spencer answers. “Kris Jenner.” Kim says.

“Wait, that’s actually why I’m here.” Spencer says nervously. “What?” Kendall asks, confused at Spencer’s nerves. “I wanted to know if I could invite someone.” Spencer asks sheepishly. “Of course you can invite someone Spence. We rented out the whole amusement park.” Kendall says, wrapping her arms around Spencer’s shoulders.

“Who are you inviting?” Kylie asks from the kitchen island. “Just someone.” Spencer replies, refusing to meet their eyes. “Who?” Kendall asks. “Y/N?” Spencer says, nervously. “What!?” Kendall asks, narrowing her eyes at Spencer, trying to figure out if she’s serious or not.

“Why would you invite her!?” Kendall asks. “Wait, who is this Y/N girl?” Khloé asks. “She’s a girl Kendall’s been crushing on since freshman year.” Kylie answers, causing Kendall to look at her with a ‘seriously’ look.

“Oh my god, Kenny!” Khloé squeals, wrapping her arms around her younger sister. “Stop.” Kendall groans, a blush rising on her cheeks.

“No. So who is this girl?” Kim asks. “Yeah. I wanna know who got you batting for the other team.” Khloé teases the blushing girl. “She’s just a girl at Sierra Canyon.” Kendall mumbles.

“She’s not just a girl. She’s Y/N fucking Y/L/N. She’s one of the coolest girls at school and real badass.” Spencer gushes while Kendall sinks into her chair. “Badass? Tell me more.” Khloé asks with a smirk as she leans close to Spencer.

“Wait, isn’t Y/N Y/L/N the girl that came to tutor Kylie?” Kim asks. “Yeah, that’s her.” Kylie answers. “How is she a badass? Badasses aren’t normally tutors.” Khloé asks, confused. “That’s why she’s so cool. She’s this total badass who wears leather jackets almost all the time and she’s totally into cars and stuff, but she gets straight A’s and she isn't your typical rude badass.” Spencer rambles excitedly.

“She sounds decent. Being a badass and getting straight A’s is impressive. Why haven’t you told us about her Ken?” Kim asks, looking at the shy model. “Because she doesn’t even know who I am. In case you guys forgot, I left Sierra to be home-schooled.” Kendall says with a deep sigh.

“She’s never going to notice me or like me the way I like her.” she continues. “How do you know she won’t like you?” Khloé asks. “Because she’s cool and I’m not.” Kendall says with a hint of sadness.

“You’re totally cool. You’re Kendall fucking Jenner.” Khloé says, playfully pushing Kendall. “Khloé’s right, and if she doesn’t like you then she’s missing out.” Kim says, also trying to reassure her younger sister.

“I’m pretty sure she likes you and if she comes with to Magic Mountain then you can finally talk to her and see if she likes you too.” Spencer suggests. “Oh my god. We definitely need to start planning your outfit if she does come.” Kylie says excitedly.

“I really doubt she’s going to come.” Kendall says. “I’ll make sure she comes Kenny.” Spencer reassures Kendall. “How?” Kendall asks, looking at Spencer. “You let me worry about that.” Spencer says with a devilish grin.

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