Jealous Pt. 1

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Two days before the Met Gala, Taylor Hill is lying on the bed in her hotel room and watching something on Netflix. While watching the show, she picks up her phone and dials Y/N's number.

"Hello." Y/N greets as she answers the phone. "Y/N! Are you going to the Met Gala and if so, do you have a date?" Taylor asks. "Uhm, I'm not going. I'm not even in New York, I'm in LA." Y/N answers, confused at Taylor's question.

"You're not in New York? But Kendall's here, shouldn't you be here with her?" Taylor asks. "Well, since we're still a secret and her management team don't want her out or any rumours, I was told not to come with." Y/N explains.

"You're fucking kidding me! Her management told you not to some with her to New York?" Taylor asks. "Yeah pretty much." Y/N sighs.

"But didn't you get an invite?" Taylor asks. "I did but I decided not to go. It's too much work to pretend to be Kendall's 'friend' and to see all those assholes flirting with her because they think she's single." Y/N explains.

"You guys have been together for two and a half years, why are they still making you keep it a secret?" Taylor asks annoyed that her best friend is forced to keep her relationship a secret.

"I ask myself that question all the time, but I don't want shit for Kendall. If we have to be a secret to make sure she's ok, then so be it. I love her too much for all this to ruin us." Y/N explains.

"You're like the perfect girlfriend ever. Kendall is so fucking lucky." Taylor coos. "I'm the lucky one. Now why did you want to know if I'm going to be at the gala?" Y/N asks, trying to change the topic.

"I need a date." Taylor says. "Do you want Kendall to kill me?" Y/N jokes with a hint of seriousness, remember how jealous Kendall gets when she goes out with Taylor.

"Well no, but it could be fun to make her jealous." Taylor says with a devious smile. "No. I don't want to die." Y/N says.

"Wait, hear me out. Come to New York and be my date for the gala. If she gets jealous, maybe she'll just claim you as hers and finally announce that you two are together." Taylor suggest, with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Shouldn't you already have a date? The gala's in two days." Y/N asks seriously. "I did but they bailed last minute because something came up and I could go alone but I'd rather go with a friend." Taylor says.

"So, you want to go with me and make Kendall jealous because you think it would lead to us going public with our relationship?" Y/N asks slowly, trying to understand Taylor's plan.

"Exactly! C'mon Y/N, it's a good plan and it just might be your ticket to not having to hide your relationship." Taylor says.

"Taylor, I'm all the way in LA and I don't have anything to wear to the gala. I won't be able to be your date even if I do agree to this." Y/N argues.

"Leave all that to me. If you can get your ass on a plane tonight and be here tomorrow, I can have the people from Ralph Lauren come in with looks and tailor it for you." Taylor suggests.

"You have an answer for everything, don't you?" Y/N asks. "I do. So, will you come and be my date, please?" Taylor asks.

"Kendall's going to kill me." Y/N muses softly. "Just don't tell her. She can't kill you in front of everyone at the gala without exposing your relationship." Taylor jokes.

"You really want me to come?" Y/N asks with a sigh. "Yes please. I want my bestie here with me." Taylor coos. "Fine. I'll try to book the quickest flight out to New York. Just make sure you have everything sorted out clothes wise." Y/N says before Taylor squeals in excitement.

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