Chapter 7.

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Manik's pov:

I stood at the end of the boys line as I was told to supervise.It was time for our physical tests.

This is actually the one thing I can get good grades at without putting in any effort.

I turned to see Nandini lock the class door.She has been dizzy since after the first period.Unwell,probably.

I waited for her to catch up as the others moved towards the ground.

She moved in a funny way.Abnormally slow.

I raised my eyebrow as we started walking together towards the ground.

"What ?" she said.

"Are you fine?" I asked.

I don't know why I'm so concerned.This feeling is so weird.

"Uhh..haan haan perfect." she hesitated a bit and said.


I was told to check the height and weight of everybody in class.

I saw Jiya and Nandini talking in a corner.Why are they not moving ugh?I hate when girls laze around during the games period.

They look like they are talking about something terribly important. Uff,girls and gossip.

I whistled to get their attention.Jiya hastily looked at me and smiled sheepishly.

She moved and stood in front of the stadiometer.

167 cm.The tallest girl in our class.I noted the figures in the small notebook.

At last,Murthy. I coughed loudly to let her know it was her turn.

I expected her to smile a bit but she didn't.On the contrary,she came and stood in front of me with a poker face.

Is she mad at me?Did I do something wrong?Oh shit,did Aryaman tell her that I have- had a crush on her?

No he wouldn't.I hate him and all that but he cant.

I reached out for the headpiece and slid it down to reach the top of her head.


I am so close to her right now that I can smell her breath. I looked into her eyes that were searching for something else or someone else.

I dont know.I want her to look at me.I want to pull her chubby cheeks.Or hug her?

Ew why am I sounding like a lovesick puppy? Cringe ×100.

And lovesick? More of 'liked her before but doesn't anymore' sick.

I released the breath I never knew I was holding.

And immediately moved away from her.This is wrong.Is this physical attraction?No,I hate whatever this is. I feel like I'm contaminating her.

She walked away.

Pov ends.

It was now time for the 800 meter races.This meant 4 complete rounds of the big school ground.

Nandini argued with her teacher.

"Mam,please try and understand,I seriously am not well today.I'm not making any excuses.I never make excuses during sports and you know that." Nandini said irritated.

"Listen Nandini,I dont have enough time for all this.There are 44 other students in the class.You're not the only one and I am very well aware of all this.These tactics will not work on me" Sakshi mam replied arrogantly.

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