Chapter 3.

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Word count: 1597 words

The class was pin drop silent as Miss Annika sat on the teacher's table writing something in her notebook.She had told all of them to do whatever they wanted except talking.It felt like you could even hear students breathing as some of them paper chatted while some slept.Only the nerds studied.

"Manik" Nandini turned and whispered in a low voice impulsively and immediately regretted.

Cabir and Manik looked up at once from their books or moreover,the Harry Potter "storybooks" that they had issued from the library.

[A/N= I don't know if guys read Harry Potter but I'm a fan.So yeah,Manik is a fan too]

'Damnitttt.What did I just do?Oh My Aaiyappa.Did I just call him by his name directly?What must they be thinking?What is HE thinking?Does he think I am a stalker who is obsessed with him and done her research on him and his family?Oh No No No No.I hate myself.Now toh  I'll definitely have to get my section changed.Or better,I will leave the school.Nahi nahi nahi.It was not supposed to happen like this.Ughh Fuck my life' she thought wide eyed.

One thought led to another and once again,Nandini was lost in her own world while Manik and Cabir looked at each other with weird expressions and shrugged lightly.Cabir mouthed a 'I think she's mad' to Manik while Manik sighed.

He aggressively snapped his fingers in front of Nandini to bring her out of trance.He raised his eyebrows dramatically in question while Cabir narrowed his eyes at her.She looked at each of them alternatively and  shook her head negatively,abnormally fast.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Manik asked in a quiet yet stern voice.

Nandini was bewildered by his tone.


"You like me.Right?And that is the only reason you're trying to talk to my best friend so that he can talk to me about you,haina?" Cabir said dramatically.

Nandini giggled and started, "Arrey no.Listen to me-"

"Come on Nandini.We are adults-to-be in four years.Be mature.You can talk to me about your feelings.But I don't promise I'll revert back the feelings.Actually there's so many girls you know and the thing is,some guys are interested in me too so-" Cabir blurted without taking a pause.

Just then,Nandini cut him off.

"Woah woah.Cool down Mr. Desperate.I just wanted a pen.And by the way,How do you know my name?" Nandini said,still giggling.

Manik listened to everything  more than attentively but pretended to be uninterested.

"Oh.Yeah,well I know everybody in the school and you toh are the most intelligent person in the whole grade." Cabir said as his face fell.

"Haan theek hai.I'll give you a pen.Just forget all that I just said." Cabir replied with a meek smile while opening his pen case.

Nandini smiled.Thankfully,nothing went wrong.

Manik felt irritated.Cabir,his best friend,who made fun of everybody was acting all nice with this new girl.Why?

Just then,Manik's eyes lit up as he thought of an idea.

"Arrey Cabir wait.She asked me na for the pen in the first place.Remember she said 'Manik'?Its okay.I'll give her the pen." Manik said widening his eyes at Cabir and giving him their 'code smile'.

Cabir gave a confused look but agreed.

Nandini felt her cheeks get red.

'Why is he insisting to give me the pen?
Why is he being so sweet all of a sudden?Why Aaiyappa?Is he.....No no.I just met him.But does he....Arre nahi Nandini stop overthinking' she thought and mentally face palmed.

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