Chapter 4.

891 119 173

Word count: 1986 words

"Now,taking AC as radius and A as centre,you draw an arc here on the number line and mark it as......."

Nandini could hear all this.All the sound was falling on her ears but she wasn't listening.Or writing,for a matter of fact.

She was just awkwardly bending down her head so that Mr. Vinod couldn't see.Her eyes were full of tears.She had her notebook open in front of her.And still,without a pen.

Abhimanyu had told her to stop crying a couple of times,but she couldn't stop them.Them,tears.


As if my life was less complicated,this happened.

I hate you,Malhotra.I hate you from the core of my heart.

I wiped a tear from the handkerchief Abhi had given me.

I really need to know.Why did he do this to me?What mistake have I done?I was so nice to him.

I slightly turned my head to see him.He definitely has to be guilty.

Nobody.Nobody was on the last seat.

I ran my eyes around the classroom.Cabir was sitting on the first bench,for some reason.

And........Mani-.Yeah,that person.
You know who. He was sitting with some girl in the second row.He was laughing.

Correction:THEY were laughing.

I am sitting here in this awkward position,crying since the past 20 minutes.And he does not even feel bad about what he did.

Ughh I know her.I definitely know her.Basketball team captain.Mars house.

Chuck it.Why do I even care?I have better things to think about.And I was back to my hiding.

All the other thoughts had engulfed me now.I was,for the 537248th time this week,cribbing about my existence.

I have this weird tendency.When I start to cry,even if it is for a small thing,I start to go back to all the even worse  things that have happened in past and then,I cry harder.

Somewhere,crying makes me feel lighter.Or maybe I have started adapting to my unhappy self.

Sometimes I wish I could run away from all this.But then I remember I am just a 14 year old with a messed up mind who doesn't know shit about the harsh realities of life.

Oh and also,being familiar with times of today,I honestly feel I'll get cut into pieces and eventually die the second day of stepping out.

Yes,I know all this.Most teenagers don't.And that is the reason they make mistakes.

And then,I felt a pinch on my elbow.Ouch.I looked at Abhi angrily,rubbing my elbow and jerked my head in question.

"NANDINI..NANDINI !!!!!!!" I heard Mr. Vinod shouting.

And by his audacity,I feel he had been calling me since a lot of time.

I got up immediately.Everybody gasped.

Oh shit.The shirt.I had obviously forgotten.

And in no time,the gasps converted into giggles.

And my tears found their way to escape,yet again.

The whole C section.40 people I had never talked to before.All of them.Laughed at me.

Nandini Murthy,the new figure of fun.Laughing stock.

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