Chapter 5.

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Word count: 1700 words

Nandini's home
8.00 pm


Finally,I closed all my books,piled them up and kept them on the side table of my bed.

I had completed all the exercises of chapter 1 of mathematics.Now we'll see what reason Mr "Get out" finds to humiliate me.

The satisfaction you get after completing a web series can never match upto the satisfaction you get after studying for a sensible amount of time.Especially when you're not a nerd.

I plugged my phone out of the charger.100 % charged.Just how I like it.

Well it was the usual.5 notifications from instagram,a few obvious ones from wattpad and 22 whatsapp messages from "Fam Jam".

I opened instagram and texted Abhimanyu a "Call me when you're free".First things first,you know.

And then,I went through the other notifications.3 DMs from friends and astrophile_x tagged me in a photo.

But the 5th notification had me thinking.

But the 5th notification had me thinking

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Ye toh super fast nikla yaar.But he helped me today.How would he have known what Mani- I mean,you know who was gonna do.

I thought about the time he winked at me earlier today and smiled.No,I don't like all these creepy things.Just that,he seems pretty nice.

I accepted his follow and requested to follow back.

And now is the time for my night routine.

No no,I'm not into skincare.My night routine is very different.

I got out of bed,grabbed my earphones and stormed out of my room.

"Maa..I'm going." I shouted as I wore my slip ons so that she could hear me amidst of the cooker whistles in the kitchen.

"Go.But Jaldi aana.Dinner is almost ready." She shouted back at me.

"Haan fine."

My mother.This lady is a superwoman.I don't know how she manages to handle both home and work.I mean,she just came back from clinic a half hour ago.Doesn't she get tired ever?

I walked to the park in our society while I wore my earphones in my ears.

And finally I'm at my happy place.

There was not even a single person around.

I sat down on the swing as I opened Spotify.

My playlist- Stars.

I played the track 'Nazm nazm" while I gazed at the stars.

I love them.They are just so pretty.They keep shining all the time.

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