Chapter 8.

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"Wait!!!" Manik shouted.

"Offo manik. Tum please mujhe irritate karna band karoge? PLEASE. Just for a little while?" Nandini replied angrily.

Manik grabbed nandini's hand and pulled her towards a corner in the corridor.

"What the-"

"Shut up. Ekdum chup. Stop speaking and let me speak." Manik said.

"But hua kyaa hai? I told you I'm fine. And I dont like all this attention that you're giving me right now so-"

"YOU HAVE A BLOOD STAIN ON YOUR SKIRT" he blabbered in a single breath.

Nandini's face transitioned from being clueless to speechless to shocked to embarrassed.

Both of them just stood there trying to not look at each other.

"I-. What do I do now?" Nandini's voice broke the silence.

Manik was too stressed himself. He did not want to make this a big deal. He did not want her to feel ashamed about something that was completely normal.

"You dont worry. I will do something. Let us try and get to the restroom first."

He stopped speaking when he saw a bunch of seniors walk past them and carefully stood behind nandini trying to block the view of her skirt.

(Not that anyone was gonna look, manik. ;))))) )

Nandini tilted her head towards him, and she couldn't decipher the way she was feeling right now. A lone tear ran down her cheeks.

Nobody had ever cared for her the way he did. She could see concern in his eyes.

Manik suddenly looked at her face and raised an eyebrow.

"Heyyy why are you crying? Are you mad? Its not that big a deal. You will be fine. I'm here for you baby. SHIT CROSS THAT. I meant nandini. What am I saying?"

He then wiped her tears with his hands.

"Chal lets go"

The corridor was empty now so they reached the restroom without any trouble.

"Okay. Go now. I'll be waiting outside" Manik said eyeing the surroundings.


"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I actually need a sanitary napkin" she sighed.

"What? Don't they have it in the washroom?"

She nodded her head from side to side.


"Shhhhhhh. Stop it Manik, please. This is not the time for this. You can think about this when you stand up for the council elections but NOT NOW."

"But what do we do now?" he asked.

"Umm the school reception would have them." Nandini quietly said.

Manik sighed and said "Fine. I'll go get it. But don't move from here."

Within five minutes, he was back but empty handed.

"What happened? You didn't get it?"

"Ofcourse I did. Here." He took something out of his pocket and handed it to her.


It was almost time for departure. Nandini couldn't stop staring at Manik from across the classroom but whenever he would look back at her, she would look away. She was feeling too much. The way he helped her, she never expected anybody could. She felt things she couldn't really name.

The bell rang and the students ran out.

Manik waited at the classroom door for Nandini.

They walked towards their respective
buses together.

"Thanks for today, Manik. Seriously. I dont know what to say but all I can say is that you're a very great friend and I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

"FRIEND? She thinks of me as a FRIEND?" Manik thought.

"Oyee, say something" she snapped her fingers infront of his face.

"Haaan umm what can I say, uh....I guess I'm really FRIENDly. "

She smiled.

"Hey, your bus is over there." she said.

"No, its okay. I'll just walk you to yours."

"Ew stop being sooo niceee monster. It will ruin the whole chemistry we had." she teased him.

"So you're saying we had chemistry?"

"I...I didn't say that." she closed her eyes and mentally slapped her head.

He smirked.

"Okay then. I guess thats it. I will...see you tomorrow?" Nandini asked walking into the bus.

"Yeah..I'll see you. Tomorrow." he replied and watched as she walked towards the second last seat in the bus.

He then started to walk towards his bus.

As nandini sat on her seat, she felt a restless feeling. She couldn't really contain it. She wanted to do IT.

(IT? WHATS IT?😳😳😳😳)

She ran outside the bus and saw Manik's retreating figure walking away.

"MANIK" she shouted.

He turned, surprised and confused.

She ran towards him.

"Do you like ice cream?" she said running out of breath.


"Arey tell me fast."

"Yes... I mean, who doesn't?"

She turned and saw her bus starting to move.

"Oh shit. 5 PM, The ice cream house, Phoenix Mall. I'll see you. Byeeeee." She said in a single breath and ran back.

Manik, meanwhile, stood there with a little confused smile on his face and watched her go. This mushy feeling, he was feeling it yet again. He felt that they both were the only ones in the world.

Little did he know, there was someone else. And HE, was watching.

Omg omg guys. There is time travel. Then there is Salman Khan marrying and there's me updating lmaooooo. IMPOSSIBLE.

But I did. Please appreciate, okayyyyy.  oh oh oh and are they going on a DATEEEEE???? I cant keep calm.

Also, who is HE? any clues?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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