Stay with Ukai

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"Oh no, your arm. Is it broken?"

"No just fractured. I'll be fine tho, I've been through worse. So what'd you call me all the way to Tokyo for?"

"Follow me, I think I saw some benches on my way over here."


I took Keishin's good hand and dragged him to the benches I had passed by only a few minutes ago.

"We need to talk."

"Alright, what's up?"

"Everyone knows about us. It's not a secret anymore. My parents want me to break up with you."

"Oh..are you gonna??"

"I've been thinking about it for a bit and, I'm not."


"Yeah, this month was special with you. It meant too much to me just to let it go because my parents said so."

"You made me the happiest man ever this month."

"You're not asking me to marry you right?"

"No. Not yet." He laughed and looked over at me, his eyes sparkling under the moon. It was a cliche description but it was the only way I could describe the way he looked at me. And I loved every second of it.

"Anyways, since I'm going against their wishes, I'm most definitely getting kicked out. I was thinking I could ask Tanaka or Vera if I could live with them until I turn 18 in October. I was also thinking I could move in with you when I did turn 18. What do you think?"

"I think it's a great idea." He leaned over and kissed my forehead.


"What's wrong?"

"I think I'm in love with you." I rolled my eyes in fake disgust fighting back a small smile.

"I think I might be in love with you too."


Vera and I finally started talking again and I was, as I predicted, kicked out of my house. Despite everything Daichi surprisingly stayed in touch with me. We still talked in school and I ended up becoming a manger for the team.

Me and Keishin weren't able to continue dating until today, my birthday.

"Happy birthday y/n." 

"Thank you! So what'd you get me?"

"Birthday sex."


"No, here's what I actually got you." Keishin pulled out a small box from behind his back and handed it to me. I opened it and looked dumped out whatever was in there into my hand.


"They're keys to my house." He deadpanned at my confusion.

"Oh! Oh my god." I held the keys in my hand and smiled. "You actually want me to live with you?"

"Of course I do. Unless you want to stay with Vera."

"No, I want to move in with you." I bit my lip trying to hold back my excitement as I gave him a tight hug.

"Y/n! Kat's bringing out the cake!" Vera called for me from inside the house. I gave her a thumbs up from the front porch and turned back to Keishin.

"I have to go. Want some cake?"

"No, but thank you. I have to get back to the store. I'll come see you after work though."

"Oh ok." I put the keys back into the box and closed it.

"Don't sound so sad. Come over and I might consider the birthday sex." We both laughed as I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Have a good day at work. Bye."

"Love you, bye."

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