Chapter Nine

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"What? Are you crazy?"

"No I'm not! He's jealous. Why do you think he was ok with you helping at practice last week? Because he knew that you were with him and he was sure of that. Almost like 'you're his' type of thing. But after you two fight, you have a surprise come-back and he remembers how hot you are. Especially in your skirt." She wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Obviously you guys aren't 'together' anymore so that leaves you hot and available for hot teenage volleyball guys. So he's in danger of losing you. He's at least a little angry and jealous, so he takes it out on you. See? It all connects." Vera blabbed on and on.

"None of that made sense. Why would he call me a whore?"

"He's mad obviously. He's probably that type of person who spit out random shit when they're angry. Like you."

"Well maybe he shouldn't take it out on me. Maybe I should let Tsukishima show people those pictures and let the mother fucker get arrested."


"Ok, maybe. But there's no way it was because of the boys."

"Did you even listen to me? Why would he all of a sudden start worrying about what you're wearing in front of guys after a big fight you guys had?"

"It wasn't a big fight."

"Yeah sure. And the earth is flat."

"He was just being a dick because that's who he is. He's not jealous of some high school boy."

"He probably thinks after arguing with him you'd want to go out with someone your age instead. You know, so it's not illegal and there's no more worrying. See how smart I am?"

"Vera I think you're the one spitting out random shit. Everything you're saying isn't making sense."

"Y/n, I've never met anyone dumber than you."

"What'd I do?"—

"Girls~" Vera's older sister sang as she walked into Vera's room and interrupted me.

"Kat, get out we're talking about something." Vera whined to her sister.

"Oh, so you don't want to go out to Tokyo for drinks again. Is that what I'm hearing?" Kat teased from the door way

"Wait! I'm listening." Vera said changing her mind extremely quick.

"Me and my friends are going out again tonight and if you want to go, you need to stop being a bitch."

"I'm not being a bitch you just interrupted my dear friend y/n here. That's not very nice."

"I'm sorry y/n I didn't know you were talking! Hey maybe you'll see that hot guy from last weekend there again."

"You saw us too?!" I asked looking at Vera and then back at her sister.

"Just for a moment. Oh and wear something nice! Your outfits last time were unbearably plain for such a fancy bar."

"Oh my god, get out!" Vera yelled at her sister as she got up from her bed where we were sitting to shut the door on her sister. "She's such an ass!"

"I heard that!" Kat yelled from the other side of the door.

"Good!" Vera shouted as she walked back to the bed. I couldn't help but laugh at them bickering. It amused me even though I hated when me and my brother argue.

"Ok so back to what we were saying."


"You guys look much better! Vera's clothes fit well on you y/n!" Kat complimented referring to the dresses that me and Vera randomly picked out from her closet. Vera's was a simple red dress. Mine was similar except it was black. Kat was all dressed up with a black and gold dress that had a slit up her thigh.

"Thanks, Kat."

"Ok c'mon my friends are here to pick us up." Kat said as we left their house.

Even though the bar was fancy I couldn't help but think I was overdressed. Though when we got there I had my reassurance since everyone there was even more overdressed than we were. It made me think, Keishin doesn't seem like the person to go to that type of bar, his clothes were especially fancy that night compared to what I've seen him wear.

I shook away my thoughts. I'll try to find a new guy here.. to take my mind off of him. I didn't want anything to do with him anymore.

"You never told me why we're allowed in here even though we're 17." I said to Vera as we entered the bar passing right by the security guard that was checking ID.

"Kat's friend Mei, her brother owns the place."

"Woah he must be loaded."

"Hell yeah he is. He's hot too." She whispered the last part to me.

"Is he single?" I half joke.

"Maybe." She teased wiggling her eyebrows at me. As we walked in I looked around at the place. It was still luxurious and fancy as always. Most things in there were gold and shiny but it still kept a modern look. The bar stools alone called me poor in 15 different ways.

"What do you want to drink?" Kat asked me once we sat down at the bar.

"I don't know anything about alcohol. I just had Vera order for me." I mumbled embarrassed.

"That's ok, I'll get you what I'm getting." She reassured with a wink before turning to her friends as we waited for an available bartender.


"I'm going to the 'bathroom'. I'll be back." Vera said as she walked away with some guy. We'd been here for around an hour and I was close to being completely wasted. I ended up drinking way more than I expected to. It didn't help that whatever Kat got me as extremely strong, I don't think she caught on to the fact I was a lightweight.

My head started to hurt a little bit and the music they were playing sounded like it was getting louder and louder. I wanted to get up and get some fresh air but my legs felt like jelly so I didn't even bother.

"Hey are you ok?" I heard someone ask as they sat in the stool next to me where Vera was previously.

"Yeah I'm fine, just drank a little too much that's all." I kinda of over shared to whoever was sitting next to me. That wasn't the best idea. My eyes hurt from the lights in there so I kept my head in my arms on the bar, that was until the person sitting next to me lifted my head up forcing me to look at them. It was a man with slicked back hair. He was wearing a suit that tightly hugged every muscle on his arms. The suit seemed to small for him but he didn't look bothered.

"You don't look too good. Come to my place and I'll take good care of you there." The guy said sliding his extremely large and rough hand up my thigh. I knew what he was trying to do but my drunken state made it almost impossible to refuse.

"I'm fine here. My friend should be back from the bathroom any second." I said basically mumbling my words. I really wanted this man to get away from me. My sleepy eyes scanned the area for anyone I knew but nobody was in sight.

"I don't think you should be here by yourself like this. Just come with me." he said acting concerned bringing his hand up from my thigh to my face.

"I don't think I can..." I said sleepily.

"Of course you can. Come on." the man said standing up and bringing me with him. Standing up with him made me realize how big he was. Not only was he extremely buff he was also way taller than me. It was like standing next to a big tree. He wrapped his arm around me and we started walking towards the exit together. I didn't realize what was happening until we were almost out the door and I tried my hardest to try to get my legs work.

"Please let go, I have to wait for someone." I said struggling a little in his grasp but it was no use. He was too strong for me to even move.

"You can see them tomorrow it'll be ok." he tried reassuring but his hand grabbing my ass didn't calm my nerves. It actually made me panic.

"No they're gonna get worried. I can't go with you." I said regaining strength in my arms as I tried to push him away but I was still stuck there.

"You don't really have a choice. Don't worry we'll have a lot of fun.~"

"Nobody's having any fun tonight, ok?" Another guys voice said from the other side of me.

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