Chapter Three

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"I don't either." I said leaning over him our faces now inches apart.

"That doesn't mean do it again."

"Oh really?" I said moving back a little, a bored expression on my face to cover my disappointment.

"No." He put out his cigarette and grabbed my waist pulling me onto his lap. His eyes scanned my face and body for a quick second before started kissing up my neck. Then my jaw. Then eventually my lips.

He slid his hands under my shirt as I ran my fingers through his hair. He began to grind his against me and I did it back to try and relieve myself with some friction. 

I got off his lap and onto the floor on my knees spreading his legs apart for me to sit in between. I looked up at him as his eyes widened.

"No y/n. Kissing you was already bad enough you really shouldn't"—

"I could feel you getting hard." I paused for a moment as I lifted my hand to feel him through his pants. "It's big." I looked up at him with a smile.

"I.." He looked conflicted.

"I want to do this for you. We can pretend it never happened if you want." I said as he just looked down at me with a certain expression that let me know he made a decision. A nod from him was all I needed to start.

I felt him through his pants again, he was harder than he was when I first got off. Fumbling with the top of his sweatpants for a second before slipping them down along with his boxers. I took him into my hand and started stroking slowly. I leaned down and spit in my hand for some lubrication before I continued. I'm not gonna lie it was big, I wouldn't be able to fit a whole lot in my mouth.

I started teasing the tip with my tongue a little as I moved farther and farther down with my mouth. I heard him suck in a sharp breath through his nose.

I shoved as much as I could in my mouth slowly which only went down to a little more than half way. I stroked what I couldn't fit with my hands. I started bobbing my head up and down his shaft slowly along with my hands, earning soft groans and curses from Keishin.

I got into a comfortable rhythm as Keishin's breathing got more uneven, so I started going faster. His hand made its way to the back of my head, pushing my head down slightly.

We made eye contact as I choked on him a little bit. My eyes became teary as Keishin bit his lip slightly while his hips jerked forward into my mouth.

"I'm gonna.. fuck." He groaned pushing my head more as a tear fell down my cheek. A spew of curses and groans left his mouth before he reached his climax, in my throat. When I looked up his head was tilted back catching his breath.

"Shit sorry, do you need a.." He looked down at me smiling. "You did not." His eyes widened a little while pulling his pants up quickly. I started giggling and opened my mouth to show him my vacant mouth.

I laughed hysterically at his reaction. He sighed as I got up and sat on his lap wrapping my legs around his waist as I rested my head on his shoulder still laughing a little.

"Holy shit, where'd you learn to do that." He laughed with me.

"I don't know it was my first time." I said as I felt his body tense up under me. He pulled my head away from his shoulder holding onto my face gently.

"First time? Are you a virgin?"

"Oh no, no. I've had sex a stupid amount of times. It's just.. it's too embarrassing to say." I said hiding my face in his shoulder.

"What's so embarrassing?" he said laughing.

"I've tried one other time but I didn't really make him.. finish?" I cringed at myself.

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