Chapter Eleven

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"What how?!"

"I also know who took them."

"Look, I'm really sorry!"

"You guys are not secretive at all."

"It's not my fault Tsukishima is bad at whispering! Especially right next to the gym! Someone was bound to hear him."

"So it was Tsukishima.."

"You just said you knew..? You liar!" I said crossing my arms but he just shrugged.

"I got the truth in the end. That's all I needed. How did you know he took them though?"

"You promise you won't get mad?"

"I don't think this could get any worse so, shoot."

"So basically..Tsukishima saw me leaving your car the other day and he's known about us ever since but I never told you because I didn't want you to get mad or get stressed out even more than you already are about doing stuff with me so I've been keeping it a secret since he didn't threaten to tell anyone but then he took pictures for blackmail but he doesn't even know what to do with them however he said he will soon and I don't know what to do because he has nothing to lose and we have everything to lose especially you." I let out all in one breathe trying to get it over with. Keishin didn't say anything after that he just stared down at his coffee with his hands folded on the table like some business man.

"This is bullshit. I'd rather listen to Tanaka, Hinata, and Nishinoya than deal with this crap." He finally broke the silence.

"I'm really sorry. I thought I could deal with it myself until he took the pictures."

"Let me know if he does anything else."


"Please come with us. I promise I'll keep a better eye on you. I will not go into any bathrooms with any boys."

"Vera, what happened had nothing to do with you."

"Yes it did! As soon as I left you almost got fucking kidnapped."

"I barely even remember it so don't worry. Also I'm never taking a drink from your sister again."

"Yeah she's a heavy drinker. I'll get you what I get, If you would just come with us tonight."

"I don't think Keishin would want me to go. I'll just stay home."

"Screw what he wants. Do you want to go?"

"I guess, a little." I sunk into the bean bag chair where I was currently sitting in Vera's room. She was trying to convince me to go to the bar again. It's been a couple weeks since the 'incident' I can't remember much about. Also in these past couple weeks me and Keishin have been getting closer, in more ways than one.

I was switching back and forth between my house and Keishin's house, until my dad got pissed off that I wasn't home enough which didn't make sense since he wasn't either. I finally got him to say yes to me going to Vera's for the weekend and this time it wasn't a lie just to go over Keishin's.

"So let's go! It'll be worth it I swear!" Vera begged.

"Fine I'll go. But I have to let Keishin know I'm going."

"Are you guys dating or something? I thought you gave up relationships since we started going to the bar."

"No we're not dating! Plus I'm only 17, I have plenty of time to change my mind. Not like I am changing my mine, I'm just saying I could."

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