Chapter Ten

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"Who the fuck are you?" The taller guys voice boomed over my head.

"That's none of your business. Let her go she said she doesn't want to go with you."

"She obviously doesn't know what she's talking about. She's drunk I'm just trying to bring her home and take care of her."

"She doesn't even know who you are."

"Yeah she does we..went to college together."

"She's 17 dumb ass."

"What? She's in a bar...? How did you even...?" The man struggled for words.

"Oh what? Rape is ok but you draw the line at pedophilia?"

My head started to hurt even more with the two bickering on both sides of me. I tried to pull away the man that held me to his side but his grip got tighter.

"Ow!" I whined due to his tight grip on my waist.

"Stop, you're hurting her!" My unknown superhero shouted at the man holding me. It was like a scene from some cliche movie. Except right now I'd rather be watching it instead of being part of it. "Are you gonna let her go or what?"

"Why should I give her to you?"

"Because I.. know her."

"But I'm the pedophile?" The man said to my still unknown savior as he finally let go of me and passed me on to the other guy. I finally got a glimpse of the other guys face and I felt like throwing up.

"Keishin?" I mumbled in confusion. Maybe I was seeing things because I was drunk.

"Yeah?" He asked looking down at me in his arms as the other guy walked away into the parking lot. So it really was him. But why was he at the bar again? And why did he help me? I thought he was mad at me.

"I have to go back inside. Vera's gonna get worried." I stressed trying to fight my way out of Keishin's arms this time but he held me in place just as easily as the other guy. Am I really that weak?

"Come with me, we'll call her tomorrow when you both are sober." He said as we started walking to the parking lot. We got into his car and he strapped me in like I was a kid. Not like I could do it myself but still.

He got in after me and we were on our way to I'm assuming his house, cause where else? My stomach started turning from being in a moving car which lead to me groaning and bending over in my seat.

"Please I'm begging you to wait until we get home to puke. I just cleaned my car yesterday." Keishin whined as he drove. I took a deep breath and leaned back into my seat closing my eyes.

"We're here." I heard Keishin say waking me up from some sort of drunken sleep. He helped me out of the car just like he did when I got in. I was sobering up a little bit but barely. We entered his house and he brought me upstairs to his room. He sat me down on his bed and I just sat there limp, Keishin helping me sit up straight. My stomach started to turn and squeeze again and I gagged.

"Fuck." He cursed to himself lifting me off the bed as he rushed me to the bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet before throwing up. I didn't even realize until I was finished but he held my hair up for me.

"I'm sorry. I really am." I apologized after I was finished throwing up. I think my stomach wanted to continue but there was nothing in there to throw up. I was now sitting on the bathroom floor next to with toilet with Keishin at my side.

"For what?"

"I don't know. For throwing up in your toilet? For... ruining things?"

"You didn't ruin anything. Stop saying weird things, you're drunk."

"I did something horrible for my own benefit. I knew you would get it way worse than I would if we ever got caught.. But I still did it and I'm sorry for all of it." I rambled, referring to last week's events. I didn't mean to bring it up right now but for some reason it seemed like the right time to.

"I wasn't innocent either. I kissed you first that night. I could've said no and waited, I know you would've listened to me and stopped. Plus I had no right calling you a..whore today at practice. I wasn't thinking straight after seeing you. It was like it left my mouth without my permission." He explained.

"Hey.. were you worried that I was gonna move onto someone my age?" I ask when I start to think of what Vera said earlier.

"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. You and your friend seem to hook up with older guys a lot." It worried me that he knew about me and Vera talking to guys at the bar. "That's not ok you know that, right?"

"I've only ever approached two guys at the bar that's nothing compared to Vera. Plus we figured that it wouldn't be a problem since the bar is in Tokyo and we live in Miyagi. I guess we were wrong because I'm sitting here with you." I said leaning towards Keishin and laughing a little.

"Oh really? What happened with that other guy?"

"I only remember a little. But it was my first time that the bar with Vera and her sister. I drank too much and started to sober up in the middle of doing it in the bar's bathroom. It was the most embarrassing thing."

"Wow. Imagine Daichi finding out about that."

"The thought makes me want to puke."

"Throw up again and I might too."

We talked for a few more minutes until I started to doze off on his shoulder.

I figured he had picked me up and brought me to bed because I woke up in his bed with him next to me.

As soon as I opened my eyes my head started pounding. It felt like it was going to explode. What didn't help was this one beam of light leaking through his curtains that was aimed right at my face.

I assumed he also changed my clothes because I woke up in a shirt and my dress was in a ball on the floor.

Damn he saw my tits didn't he? Eh whatever.

He probably saw my stomach too..


I got up from his bed to go find some pain medicine since he was still sleeping. I went into the bathroom to look for some and ended up finding some painkillers in the medicine cabinet. I went downstairs to grab a cup and some water. After looking in every cabinet and every shelf of his I finally found where he kept the cups. I was only a few inches shorter than Keishin but for some reason I was still too short to reach the only clean cup on the fucking shelf.

I tried standing on my toes but still couldn't reach. I tried climbing on the counter to grab it and I almost did until another hand grabbed it before me.

"Seriously?" I whined turning around to see Keishin, now awake, with the cup in his hand.

"What you looked like you needed help." He said smiling as he handed me the cup. I rolled my eyes and groaned as I filled the cup with water and took the painkillers.

Keishin and I ended up sitting down at the kitchen table together. Him with a cup of coffee and me with my water.

"I'm sorry again. About last night. I should've been more careful..or something." I said, hesitant about owning up to my mistakes. Something I've never been able to do correctly, at least not completely sober.

"It's all good. Can I talk to you about something though."

"Yeah sure?"

"I know you know who took the pictures that night."

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