01 | the equation of love.

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a thousand dreams
within me, softly burn.

- arthur rimbaud.

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THE FIRST THOUGHT that flashed through my mind when I passed the hallways was homicide. Yes, you are right, it's because I had crossed paths with Sinclair.

"Ah look, it's our not-so-beloved school diva!" Came Sinclair's nasty voice ringing in my ears as I passed by him and his bunch of equally stupid friends who I loathed, in the hallway (except Lucas, who was neither stupid or nor loathed by me). "Come on boys, greet her. But dumb it down, she might not be able to understand it!"

Too bad his accent had faded over the years, or I wouldn't even have paid attention to that sitzpinkler, because simple, I wouldn't have understood a single syllable that came out of his mouth.

"Oh look it's the bloody bookish twat talking, who couldn't stop crying when he got his nose broken by me!" I retorted, smiling wryly as his face twisted into a sour expression, probably at the flashbacks of the prom incident. "Was it too much of a dose of reality for the pretty dreamland you had created in your head, Sinclair?"

He sneered at me, and I was pretty sure that if he had fangs or something of that sort, he would have bared them at me. "Only barbarians resort to violence. Sophisticated people like me read, Walter, but oh wait, you wouldn't know of any such thing now, would you?"

"Be careful, Sinclair," I barked. "Your pretentiousness is peeking out."

"You make me want to punch you in the face, Walter, I am not even going to pretend that I don't. Your like makes me want to be barbaric," He stated, his steely grey eyes on me. "Too bad I am a polite fella."

I smiled at him. "Yeah well, too bad I am not," I said loud enough to attract Adrienne's attention, who was about to walk past us, her head buried in a cookbook. She stopped dead on her tracks at my voice. "And too bad that I am going to punch you in the face, again, if you even look in my direction."

"I would be nothing but pleased to do that, Walter," He said in a cool voice, now leaning against the light grey wall. "To not look at you for the rest of my life would be a blessing."

I took a threatening step forward. His stupid blind, one day followers scattered around, ready to provide him support whenever he needed.

"And I would be nothing but pleased to break your nose all over again," I commented. "Because you see, third time's the charm. To see your nose broken by me would be such a blessing." Honestly, I would have tried to scratch him across the face if my nails weren't so costly.

"You do not know what a mistake you're committing, adding to the fire between us. You do remember that I am Lucas' best friend, right? You do not want to do any thing foolish now, right?" He smirked. "Especially when he had been appalled by your violent ways on junior prom. You remember how he looked at you while he helped me to the nurse's, right?"

I felt a shiver of rage pass through me at the sight of Christian. I was pretty sure that he was nothing but the human embodiment of all the things that I hated, all in one ugly form -- probably sent by Satan to torture me in this life because I was the biggest sinner in my previous one. After closing my eyes and kissing my teeth to withhold the anger and not punch him in the eye, I spoke up. "My biggest mistake is standing here talking to you, Sinclair. Hope you step on a Lego."

"Come on Jannat," Adrienne interrupted before he could reply with something snarky, her hand on my shoulder. "Let's go, the next class is about to start."

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