11 | party boys don't get hurt.

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          THIS PARTY KIND OF SUCKED, even though, surprisingly, it was being host by one of Neil's friends, Andre. I hadn't really known about Neil's friends, and hadn't thought that he was friends with the biggest party guy at school.

According to me, there were three parameters on which the success and enjoyment of a party could be measured - one, all the members of the party should be clad in fashionable attire only, no boring normal clothes. Come on, what's a little harm in spicing up your outfit game? The right outfit not only made you meddle in, stand out and feel at the same time, but also made you feel confident.

The second thing was good company, which was clearly lacking when it came to my personal experience because Neil was nowhere to be found right now, Adrienne was sadly staring at the refreshment table - which, according to her - was arranged with very poor quality of food. Estelle was running late. And Lucas was nowhere to be seen. I was so desperate that I was even low-key wishing to find Sinclair's face in the crowd. Hey, at least I could spend my time having a witty banter with him other than cradling a glass of soda and staring at the table where a bunch of guys from the football team were playing beer pong, that too, terribly. I had caught Robin's eye once, but he had instantly averted his gaze. I had bitten my tongue, looking away.

The third thing was ambience. A major trait that separated a get-together from a party and a party from a soiree - and it happened to be the ambience of the place. And as spacious and beautiful this house was, there was no proper system set up for the party. And, even though I really wanted to complain about it, Baba ain't raise no killjoy.

"Hey," Neil murmured as he walked towards me, the sea of people threatening to swallow him, a plastic cup in his hand. I smiled. He looked nice tonight in his plaid button down shirt, very geeky and not trendy at all, but it was nice.

"You know I don't drink."

"I do, I do," He said, handing me the cup. I took a sniff. Punch.

"See?" He said, grinning. I reached over to smooth the collar of his shirt. He leaned in ever so little at the gesture and I tensed up, instantly snaking my hand back. If he was troubled at the gesture, he didn't show it as he continued giving me his dazzling grin.

"So, how is this party? You like it?"

I swallowed but grimaced at the unfamiliar taste in the drink and almost thrust the glass away. Neil noticed it and took the drink out of my hands, wiped the rim of the glass and took a sip himself. I smiled, and continued. "Depends. Do you like it?"

He laughed, a laugh very soft and soothing and I wondered if it would be very difficult for me to fall for him. I mean if he did like me, would I want to break his heart? Or would I want him to give me some time to collect my feelings where I test myself to see if I could like him romantically after all? And then Lucas popped into my mind, and I instantly knew my answer.

Thankfully, before I could spiral any further, Estelle was thrown out in the open space from the sea of people, her eyes taking in everything at a sickening fast pace before her gaze stopped on me and she beelined towards me.

"What's up with Adri? Why does it look like someone died?"

"Estelle," I deadpanned, a serious expression on my face. Neil frowned at me and I observed how Estelle's eyes took in Neil's frown and horror washed over her features.

"Oh my God, someone did die?" Estelle sputtered, her eyes growing wide as she nervously patted her wild curls down. "Oh God, who is it? Wait, is it the janitor who always tasted every dish of Adri's and I mean yeah he has gotten so old that we can count the years that he has left — in his eyes, but I didn't expect him to die so-"

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