25 | break up with your best friend, i'm jealous.

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"UGH, CAN YOU GUYS BELIEVE HIS audacity?" I sighed, sitting down at the edge of my bed. "Can you guys believe him? Argh. He is so infuriating!"

"I am sure he is," Adri exclaimed, nodding her head. "But I am a little confused. Were you not the one who was always saying stuff like — we won't even see each other's faces after this ordeal? So why are you so worked up over something that you had already expected aeons ago?"

"Well, you know," I said, turning towards, pursing my lips as I racked my brain for the right words. "You know. I have brought up my concern in my conversations with him before. We were both unsure because of course, the future is uncertain. But we hadn't been negative about it! He had never said he'd just abruptly turn back and leave and discard whatever friendship we had built over these days!"

"Ah," Este gasped. "So you're getting worked up because you assumed you'd be friends?"

"No, I mean yeah. No. Wait," I frowned. "Wait, no. What?"

"Oh no," Adri exclaimed loud enough for the whole house to hear. "I think we have broken her."

"Annoying! Everything is annoying!" I declared, sighing dejectedly. "I just feel a bit down, that's all. I thought we were finally making progress from being rivals and were on a better path and then boom! Sinclair drops the bomb. I am not completely heartless, you know? The sudden abrupt leave left me astounded even though I had already expected it."

Adri sighed, scooting closer to me, putting an arm around my shoulder. "Do you want us to distract you, or do you want us to help you find a… way out of this dilemma?"

Este nodded furiously. "Yes, Jannat, just say the word, and I'll conjure up the prettiest bouquet of flowers for you. It's about time that my florist skills came in handy."

"Honestly? I just want to understand, right now," I said, biting on my bottom lip. The familiar taste of my cherry lip gloss calmed my racing nerves. "Why would he do that? Does he still think we are locked in the same old rivalry?" I gasped. "No, wait. What if it's one of his rivalry pranks? Maybe he had been pretending to form a friendship with me so that I would put my guard down, and then he slowly inched closer towards the finish line by making me feel more vulnerable and comfortable with the enemy!" Another gasp escaped my lips. "What if this was his secret, ulterior motive all along? Oh, maybe he thought this was his winning move, you know? But no, I won't let this be his last move. You know what? It's okay. Two can play this game. And you know who will win? Me. I am gonna do the checkmate move. I'm going to be the one saying checkmate."

"You can't even play chess," Adri pointed out. 

"It's a phrase," I remarked.

"But honestly, Jan," Este said, scooting closer to me. I scooted closer to them as well, until the three of us were sitting in the middle of my bed, huddled together. I liked it, not that I'd ever tell them that. "Jan. Do you really think Christian would do that? I mean yeah, I get that you guys are rivals and what not, but you do know him. Would he just discard a… friendship just for the sake of some twisted power game that wouldn't even last once we finish our high schools? Seems kind of extreme, don't you think?"

I sighed, knowing that Este was right and that I was most probably reaching out and digging up straws to grasp, because his sudden departure from our friendship had been very abrupt, and honestly, kind of hurtful. My eyes fell on the octopus plush toy he had given me — which was currently sitting on my bedside table, next to the lamp. I sighed again.

"It's not that big of a deal," Adri murmured. "You two will be back to bickering in a matter of days. Maybe he was just having a bad day before you two talked. Or something like that." Cecily came in, bringing us a tray full of fresh juices and pancakes, with an assortment of toppings. "Don't take it personally."

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