03 | tis' the fashion season.

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dedicated to the amazing northtowns, who claims that jannat is a role model. so true. we all want to be jannat.

 we all want to be jannat

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fashion is the armour
to survive the reality
of everyday life.

- bill cunningham.

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RALPH LAUREN DIDN'T design clothes, he designed dreams - and that's exactly what I kept muttering under my breath as I strode towards the trial room - the hand-embellished rich velveted dark-palette brown jumpsuit clutched in my hands.

The fall collection certainly did make a statement about the purity of clothing - as was its aim. The moment I walked into this Ralph Lauren showroom, my breath was snatched from the hollow of my neck, from my lungs, from my chest. The artfully crafted looks, in a dark palette of bohemian paisleys, menswear fabrics, quilted leather, and equestrian prints, were clean yet dramatic, sharp yet at ease, elegant yet assertive. It was a world of complete sophisticated contradiction, and I was willing to buy the whole collection. I would have sold a limb for it. But thankfully, Baba's credit card was enough for it.

As I neared the trial room, a girl with the loveliest platinum blonde curls and pearly white teeth beamed at me, and I offered her a smile back. I wanted to make a comment about how out-of-pocket her outfit looked, but I didn't want to create a ruckus. So, I kept quiet. Begrudgingly.

"Good evening, ma'am," She muttered to me as I stood in the forming line, behind only one girl - apparently a lot of people wanted to check out the fall collection. I flashed her a grin and muttered the greetings back, hoping she wouldn't talk more and I would quietly buy everything that caught my eye and escape - but no, my hopes were in the wrong place.

"Oh, I see that you're trying on from our Shining Moments collection part!" She said, all but beaming at me. I gave her a nervous smile back. Her cheerfulness was unnerving.

"Yes," I muttered. And then gasped.

She was about to say something but then clamped her mouth shut as I whirled around to observe the person who had rudely cut in the line, now standing in front of me. She was taller than me buy a lot of margin, her copper curls thrown over her back - but being tall and having copper hair didn't give pass for cutting in line. No one came in between Ralph Lauren & I. No one.

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