18 | are you asking me out on a date?

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I WOULDN'T HAVE THOUGHT IN A MILLION YEARS, that I would have Walter's car pulling up on my curb. But alas! Miracles did happen, and here she was, in front of my doorstep in her sleek range rover, her window glass rolled down, and a smug look on her face.

“What the hell are you doing here, Walter?”

Her smile only widened in response. "Picking my boyfriend up, of course."

"You really don't need to do that."

She rolled her eyes. "Have you thought about the fact that… maybe… I want to do it?"

"I have a car," I interjected. "I can drive myself to school."

"I have a car, a nice driver," She said, gesturing to the man sitting in the driver's seat. I crouched down a little to fit my face through the window's line of vision and waved a hi to the guy, who looked downright miserable, sitting there, like he wanted to be anywhere but here. "And, I also have sweet snacks, which I know you love, and we will soon have the company of my two best friends — Adri, and Este. I think it's a pretty neat offer."

"Neat offer, my ass." I scoffed. "You have some underlying motive, don't you?

She sighed. "You can't keep talking about your ass like this in public, Sinclair, I thought we had that talk reserved only for the bedroom."

My cheeks flamed up. "You—" I fumbled, my mind dissolving into bits of nothing, all of a sudden. "You little shit."

She shrugged, and pulled the car door open in response, gesturing for me to come in. I looked back to see Mum watching our exchange with a quiet smile on her face, and I knew I was going to come home to a shit load of questions. I waved her goodbye and the action caught Walter's attention, who stuck her head out and enthusiastically waved at my Mum. My Mum almost beamed. I gagged. Ew.

When we had pulled up from my street and were driving onto the main road, Walter spoke up.

"I do have an underlying motive."

"I knew it," I exhaled sharply, congratulating myself mentally for having the right hunch. "What is it? Is this the part where you tell me that you're actually an alien, because if so, you don't need to. I already know it."

The cool demeanor that Walter was putting on, seemed to shatter for a moment as I felt her scorching gaze on me, murder written on the curve of her lips before she blew out a breath and the demeanor returned. It was like watching a cool CGI effect in person. I let out a low whistle. "Nice control."

"I am practicing the art of ahimsa," She said. The car behind us honked. She continued. "My Dad says violence isn't the answer for anything. Odd and extremely implausible, but whatever."

"Your Dad is scary but wise," I remarked.

She looked down, her eyes checking her nails, which were painted a soft and dreamy shade of sage green today. The nail of her ring finger had white stripes over the main green coat. I wondered where she got them from. Maybe I could surprise Mum with a manicure. "My Dad is weird. He actually likes you."

"I think that's called having taste," I said, smiling innocently. "Your Dad likes me? He has taste. You don't like me? You're tasteless, and we already know that. It's nothing new."

I had expected her to finally lose it and snap at me, but instead, she smirked, leaning back into her seat. I frowned. She smiled.

"You say I am tasteless and yet, you wear outfits based on the outfit inspirations I send on my weekly email newsletters. Don't contradict yourself like this, Sinclair."

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