The 2nd Option ( 1 )

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*music blasting*


Jimin yelled on top of his lungs without a care as he dances at the dance floor with some random guy who came up to him to join Jimin, "...Jimin is drunk, I'll win on this bet this time" Hoseok said to Seokjin who was chugging down that vodka without stopping, "hah! Jimin? he never gets drunk! have you seen him drink that champagne in one go" Seokjin said with a chuckle, Hoseok laughs and rolls his eyes.

" reminds me of someone though," Hoseok said staring at Seokjin who was mixing all the drinks, Seokjin glance at him in confusion. "who?" he said and drank the mixed drink without any problem, "you probably, you're already eating the cup! stop that!" Hoseok exclaimed and slap Seokjin's hand causing him to drop it on the table as well as it stains on his shirt.

"oh fuck Hobi! you ruined my clothes!"

"Sorry, not sorry bro! but I ain't letting you go home drunk" Hoseok said with an unapologetic expression, Seokjin scoff and threw a fuck sign at him.

"urgh...always the mom" Seokjin mumbled and left the club since that's what Hoseok has been telling him again and again when Seokjin left the club. He waited at the bus stop with hands in his pockets, shivering in the cold night.

"....urgh...why is it so cold..."


Seokjin pauses for a while when he heard Taehyung's deep voice calling out his name, he immediately turned around to see Taehyung looking handsome as ever, his heart pounded the moment Taehyung took his wrist.

"Are you okay Taehyung?"

Seokjin exclaimed as he tried to reach his hand to caress his cheeks but the moment he heard her name, he stops and places his hand down.

" mad at me again...will you help me?"

Seokjin couldn't breathe, just hearing her name makes him sick but what can he do? after Taehyung didn't contact him for 2 weeks only to show up asking for the same help and yet Seokjin was ready to help as always.

"Then would you like to go somewhere secluded?"

Seokjin said seductively as he let Taehyung roam his hand all over his body, fortunately, there were no cars passing by and all the stores were closed. Taehyung's breath hitch when Seokjon whispered in his ears, the temptation of wanting to do it was strong and so Taehyung clicks his tongue and drag him all the way to his car.

"Can I make you mine Taehyung...hahaha...I don't think so....but I still love you...."

Even if it hurts, Seokjin continued to love Taehyung who loves someone else.

Seokjin held back his tears and looked up at the dark sky.

"I'm doesn't hurt at all...this is the only way for me to get closer to you..."



The next morning, I woke up alone in a motel, the bedsheets were scattered everywhere but my clothes were folded neatly by Taehyung. I let out a shaky sigh, "...his gone again..." I mumbled and lie back down with a heavy heart. I guess loving him for a very long time became toxic and this kind of relationship I have with him didn't give me what I want.

"...I want to be Yunji..." I mumbled as I clench my fist together, I imagine myself together with Taehyung every single day but in the end, it's just me with this kind of feeling towards him.

The 2nd Option || taejinkookWhere stories live. Discover now