The 2nd Option ( 14 )

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Jungkook woke up by the sudden sound of a door creaking, he opened his eyes a little to see Seokjin opening the door, "Jin?...what are you doing?" Jungkook said in his deep husky voice, Seokjin gasp and almost dropped his phone from trying to contact Taehyung.

"oh...sorry..." Seokjin said apologetically, Jungkook shook his head and got up from the bed but his eyes immediately landed on Seokjin's phone to where Taehyung's name was written on it, he frowns. "...we already helped Yunji filed a case against don't have to worry about it..." Jungkook said and took his phone away from his hand, Seokjin sigh, "yeah...I'm sorry..." Seokjin said, Jungkook chuckled and moved his bangs away from his forehead before placing a kiss on top of it.

Seokjin blushed when he was suddenly carried back to bed, "it makes me jealous when all you worry about is him..." Jungkook said as he pulled him closer to his body, Seokjin flinched. "t-that!...I...uh..." Seokjin couldn't utter a word anymore, he thought that Jungkook would be disappointed in him but he didn't. "...don't be sorry all the time...I get it he was your best friend but Jin...his not your best friend anymore...he used you...he blamed things on you...but I'm here...I'm the one who is loving you right now..." Jungkook said he couldn't bear it, seeing Seokjin suffer because someone makes him angry.

"you're right...I have you now...I'm still sorry for making you worry..." Seokjin said as he shifted his position on facing Jungkook, there was a bit of silence between the two but an idea came onto his head. "ah...tomorrow...let's go somewhere..." Seokjin said as he immediately sat up causing Jungkook to look at him in confusion, "somewhere?...that's're not the type to go outside that much" Jungkook said as a smile appeared on his face, Seokjin nodded excitedly.

"yeah!'s been a while since we went out just the two of want to watch that new movie with you..." Seokjin said somehow feeling shy since he thought he asking for too much but that didn't matter to Jungkook, he felt butterflies in his stomach. "aw~~~ you are so cute when you get so shy!" Jungkook exclaimed and pounce on Seokjin while nibbling on his ears.

Seokjin felt tickled and burst into laughter, soon enough the two lovers fell asleep in each other's arm.

|| NEXT DAY ||

"lucky~ there's not many people at the park today!" Seokjin exclaimed and pointed at it as he grabs Jungkook by the wrist, Jungkook could only giggle at Seokjin's cuteness.

"Is this where you want us to go?" Jungkook said as he rested his chin on Seokjin's pacific ocean shoulder, Seokjin gasp and immediately covered his mouth. "I forgot to buy a movie ticket!!! Oh no..." Seokjin said in dismay, Jungkook laughs and snake his arms around his waist.

"That's okay, we can grab ourselves some lunch right now," Jungkook said as he pointed at an expensive hotel, Seokjin gasp and immediately stop him. "B-B-But that place is really expensive!!!" Seokjin exclaimed Jungkook burst into laughter before showing off his black card.

"Aren't you forgetting something my honey bunny~ your boyfriend is rich, handsome, tall, with a big di---"

"KOOK! s-seriously..." Seokjin said as he covered his mouth since he was afraid that someone might hear, Jungkook giggled and kissed his palm.

"why? Why don't you let everyone know in this world that this handsome boy is your---"

"that's not what I meant..."

Jungkook was suddenly interrupted when Seokjin kissed him on the cheeks, as he slowly slides his hand down.

"I meant is that...this.."

His hand smoothly slides down to Jungkook's crotch causing him to flinch and looked at Seokjin with a reddened and hot bothered face.

"I'm the only one who should know how big you are..."

Jungkook felt a shiver down his spine as he licks his lips and grabs Seokjin by his round and plumpy ass.

" ready for tonight because I'm not going easy on you tonight..."

Meanwhile, a person who recognises Jungkook from afar stood there with anger written all over his face.

"...Jeon seriously left me for that guy...unbelievable..."

He mumbled and clench his teeth in anger.

I wanted to keep Taehyung appearing in every chapter but I decided to end his part in Chapter 11 because it felt like there was nothing for him to interrupt or break  Seokjin's and Jungkook's relationship.

And so I decided that a new rival has come!!! NYA HAHAHAHA and it's not Jimin, please ppl I don't do "Jimin being the root of all evil" in my story.

Sorry for the late update and please enjoy this chapter.

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