The 2nd Option ( 3 )

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When everything was done for tonight's preparations, Hoseok told me to take go home since I looked really tired and I wasn't able to deny it though, ever since I left the motel I feel like throwing up.

"I'm leaving now Jimin," I said as I glance at Jimin who was busy putting on his bunny suit, he nodded and waved his hand goodbye at me. "okay~ be careful," Jimin said while winking at me, I chuckle, Jimin will always be Jimin a confident man.


I said before leaving the club and without noticing how much time flies, it was already night as the rain poured down really hard, I sigh and rub the back of my neck. "just my luck...I didn't bring any umbrella" I mumbled as I step backward since it was splashing around so much because of the cars passing by.

"maybe the others have an umb---"


When I was about to go back inside the club to see if any of them have an umbrella, I immediately stop and turned around, "...Taehyung...", Taehyung stood there with an umbrella as he stared at me with sad eyes.  "...are you getting off work?" He said as he took a step forward, I gulped and nodded as a response.

" manager...told me to go home early..." I said as my heartbeat was pounding, I hate myself for loving him, there was a bit of silence between us but that was soon over when Taehyung grabs me by my wrist.

"do you want to grab some dinner?"

Taehyung said while looking at me with hopeful eyes, I was starting to get nervous and I knew that my face was heating up. "w-what about Yunji..." I said along with a faint laugh, Taehyung's smile soon drop when I mentioned her name.

"um...Yunji and I got into a fight again..."

My heart sunk, the usual pain I feel every day but I can never get used to this. Him, using me for his satisfaction when things are not good between him and Yunji, when will you stop hurting me Taehyung-ah?.

"...t-that's bad news then..."

I said trying to sound sincere, Taehyung nodded, "so...can you please help me pick something nice to give her?" Taehyung said along with a smile appearing on his face, he seemed so happy whenever Yunji is our topic. 

"I want to cry...this was your true intentions huh?"

I tried my best not to cry in front of Taehyung as I listen to him talk about Yunji, and yet here I am being the slave for my love towards him.


"hold it right there"

As I was about to open my mouth, a playful voice interrupted our conversation. We both turn our heads to meet an unknown man I have never seen in my life, "what are you doing to my employee?" He said as he suddenly grabs me by my arm causing me to stumble on my own two feet but I was able to regain my balance because he held me by my waist.

"what's your problem man? we're just talking" Taehyung said to the man when Taehyung was about to grab me and take me away from his grasp, "talking? really? because all I see is someone who is about that still considered talking?" He said and looked at me with a bright smile, I flinch, "w-what are you talking about?" I asked him, he chuckle when he suddenly kissed my forehead.

I immediately blushed, "my name is Jeon Jungkook, the owner of this club and your boss~," Jungkook said as he still has that sly smirk plastered on his face, "what the fuck are you doing!!!" Taehyung yelled and tried to punch Jungkook but he was able to dodge it dragging me along with him.


"Yunji right?"

Jungkook said with a wide grin as he loosens his grip on to Seokjin's waist who was finally able to breathe, Taehyung never felt so angry in his life but the moment he saw Jungkook's face he wanted to kill him.

"what?" Taehyung said as his voice deepens, Jungkook chuckled. "your little girlfriend, big advice...your problem~ you solve it~ don't ask others for help" Jungkook said giving Taehyung a middle finger, Taehyung clicks his tongue, he couldn't utter a word anymore as he let Jungkook look down on him.

" one is talking so we are done here~ come on little cutie it's time for you to pay me"

Jungkook said and drag Seokjin back inside the club, "w-wait" Seokjin tried to stop him but it was no use, Jungkook wasn't listening, Seokjin turned around as he tried to reach out for Taehyung for help but he only stood there with visible anger.

As the two walks in the corridors, everyone looked at them with shock written on their faces, and one of them was Hoseok.

"uh...Mr. Jeon...his supposed to be on a break right now---"

"Are you the boss here Hoseok?"

Jungkook said and glanced at him, he immediately shakes his head. "n-no Mr. Jeon" Hoseok said while stuttering, Jungkook giggled, "try to keep your job next time" Jungkook said before he walked away with Seokjin who was following him quietly knowing what kind of payment Jungkook was talking about.

Awesome entrance for Jeon Jungkook huh?

his personality is pretty much the playful type :D

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