The 2nd Option ( 17 )

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"Seokjin!? shit..."

As soon as Jungkook left his car, he immediately brought out his umbrella and looked for Seokjin inside the campus, "SEOKJIN? SEOKJIN!!!" Jungkook called out this name once more but no one replied except for the Janitor who heard his worried voice.

"Who are you looking for young man?"

The janitor said as he places down his broom, Jungkook then showed him a picture of Seokjin. "h-have you saw him?..." Jungkook said as he waited for the janitor's answer, he then nodded causing Jungkook's worry to fade away.

"mhm...I did...poor boy...he was crying when he left the campus, I guess he didn't get accepted...too bad he looked really smart" The Janitor said while shrugging his shoulder, Jungkook's heart sunk the moment he realized his mistake.

"t-thank you..."

Jungkook said before he left, he entered his car and dialed Seokjin's phone number hoping he would answer.

"...answer me...please..."


"Here drink this it'll keep you warm" Taehyung said as he placed a cup of hot chocolate at the table in front of me, "thanks..." I said before taking a small sip at the cup, "...what were you doing out the rain" Taehyung said as he sat down opposite of me, I flinch and hung my head low.

"...oh...uh...I decided to continue my education..."

I said but then I suddenly heard Taehyung chuckled, "that's amazing!" Taehyung exclaimed, I sat there with wide eyes. "Taehyung seems different than before..." I thought and couldn't help but smile, "thank you...but...", as soon as I remember how they failed me on my interview, I took a deep breath and lean my back against the chair.

" but...I wasn't able to get in...I failed my interview..."

I clench my fist tightly, I did not want to cry in front of him, I wanted to show everyone that I am strong enough to keep my head up high and try again.

"But I'm okay! maybe that university isn't really for me!" I exclaimed as I tried to sound optimistic, "I know...things will soon be better" Taehyung said while smiling at him gently, I giggled and nodded as a response.

"How have you been doing?"

I asked him out of curiosity, Taehyung then shrugs his shoulder, "well...I went to jail and stayed there for a good couple of parents paid for my freedom and here I am..." Taehyung said with a small smile when all of a sudden Taehyung straighten up his posture and looked at me.

"I...decided to change on how I live...I told Yunji everything...on how I used the both of you for my own good...she didn't take it too well but she only left without saying anything..." Taehyung said as his voice sounded sad but I noticed that he was not the typical aggressive Taehyung I knew, "and...this time...I want to make things right with you..." He said along with a smile appearing on his face.

I was completely stunned, I never expected him to change, I gulped as I ease the pressure on my shoulder but the truth is I am still uncomfortable around him. "...I see...then we can start off as friends," I said and took the initiative for a handshake, Taehyug's face suddenly lits up and immediately shook my hand.

"thank you are you and Jungkook by the way?" Taehyung said as we both pulled away from the handshake, I bit the insides of my cheeks.


When I was about to respond to his question, my phone suddenly rang, I immediately grab my phone from my bag.

"...should I feel angry?..."

I thought with a discomfort expression on my face, I wanted to be angry but I know that this type of emotion can ruin a relationship, I took a deep breath and stood up.

"what's wrong?"

Taehyung said as he stood up as well, a faint smile appeared on my face as I grab my things.

"Jungkook is...looking for me..."


Once Seokjin said those words, it saddened Taehyung to know the fact that he can never have a place in Seokjin's heart except he can only be viewed as friends and nothing more.

"looks like the rain has stopped..."

Seokjin said as he placed his hand in mid-air, "here! you can borrow my umbrella" Taehyung said and gave Seokjin the umbrella, "thank you and thank you for taking care of me...have a nice night" Seokjin said and immediately unfolded the umbrella and put it above his head when he was about to leave he was suddenly stopped when Taehyung got a hold to his wrist.

" there something wrong?"

Seokjin asked him since he did not seem to have any intention of letting him go, Taehyung frowned, he knew it was already too late, and yet he keeps on holding on to something he can no longer reach.

Taehyung chuckled and immediately let go of Seokjin's wrist, "um...sorry...uh be careful!..." he exclaimed as he scratched the back of his head, Seokjin nodded as a response.

"I'll be sure to return the umbrella! thanks again Taehyung!!!"

Seokjin exclaimed and left as he waves his hand goodbye at him, Taehyung waved back with a faint smile as he slowly puts it down, he leaned his shoulder against the door frame as his tears slip down to his cheeks.

"...I love you...I'm sorry for only realizing it now...I'm sorry I broke you..."

Taehyung said, he wanted to say those exact words to him but Taehyung decided not to since he has decided to not bother him anymore because he did not want to see Seokjin's pure smile fade away because of him.


:/ sorry but I'm not going to mess around, I'm just having a hard time coming up with more plot and half of my life is dedicated irl, idk if your comment is a good thing or not but I'm quite a sensitive person myself and sorry in advance if I took your comment the wrong way but it seriously gives a lot of misunderstandings.

whoever you are, have a good day/night/noon.

The 2nd Option || taejinkookWhere stories live. Discover now