The 2nd Option ( 19 )

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Seokjin sigh, "...he saw me by chance and he helped me...he didn't do anything wrong," Seokjin said and grabs the umbrella from Jungkook's hand, "...he hurt you Jin," Jungkook said causing Seokjin to nod. 

"I know...he used me and threw me away but that is all in the past now...Taehyung changed and he said he wants to make things's okay to forgive Jungkook" he said along with a sigh escaping from his mouth, Jungkook bit the insides of his cheeks, he then embraced Seokjin tightly. "I'm sorry...I'm just glad he did not do anything to you" Jungkook said as he caressed his cheeks gently.

Seokjin smiled from ear to ear, "hahaha! well...if you don't really trust him that much then why don't we return his umbrella together? and you guys could talk you know..." Seokjin said as he ignored how Jungkook's expression changed by the time he suggested it, Jungkook sigh in defeat, and instead, he took that chance to make a redemption of the mistake he did, Jungkook could only agree.

"Great! let's leave now!"

"wait what!"


Taehyung sat quietly on his chair right after he made himself a drink after tiring himself out from cleaning and even finding some old dust under the cabinets in which he finds very disturbing, as he was about to take a sip the doorbell rang causing him to stop and turn to look at his door.


Taehyung mumbled and place his mug down and got up from his chair when he was at the front door, "who is it?" Taehyung said as he made sure his voice was loud and clear, "it's Seokjin!", Taehyung's heart almost flipped when he heard Seokjin's lovely voice, he hurriedly opened the door with a wide smile but that smile soon went upside down when a growling man with an intense aura surrounding him stood behind Seokjin who was all flowers and smiles.

"Good morning!"

Taehyung gulped and greeted back.

"y-yeah...g-good morning..." 









Taehyung said as he showed the bag of tea which he recently bought, Seokjin nodded and glance at Jungkook who was trying to keep a calm face, "you know what...I'll go buy some bread" Seokjin said and stood up from the sofa causing the two to look at him.


Jungkook and Taehyung said in unison, Seokjin giggled and grab his bag, "I'll be quick, the bakery is just right in front of your nice when I'm gone bye!" Seokjin exclaimed and left the house with a victory smile, Jungkook was left with a stunned expression.

"ahahaha...energetic as always" Taehyung mumbled but it was enough for Jungkook to hear him, Jungkook cleared his throat and observed his surroundings but his curiosity got the best of him when he saw an album in front of him.

When Jungkook opened it, he looked at it in awe because it was a picture of Seokjin when he was still in high school along with his other friends, "he already looks so handsome before" Jungkook mumbled and flip it into another page but this time it was a picture of Taehyung and Seokjin.

"We were in 9th grade at that time"

"oh!...uh sorry for looking into your things," Jungkook said and immediately close the album, Taehyung chuckled and shook his head, "it's okay, you are his boyfriend," Taehyung said along with a smile.

"Hey...uh...sorry if I was a big jerk to you and Seokjin...I was just possessive..." Taehyung said as he fiddled his fingers, "...Seokjin was right...he did change..."Jungkook thought with a surprised expression but it did make him feel conflicted, "you were a complete jerk...a bundle in a pack...but're cool..." Jungkook said as he showed a fist-bump as a sign of truce.

Taehyung sighs in relief but he did get the feeling that Jungkook does not 100% trust him yet.


Taehyung said and fist-bumped with Jungkook, as time passes by, the two talked like two close friends but they mostly talked about their work lives and a little bit of Seokjin.

"Seokjin used to hat---"

"speaking of's already been 5 minutes and he's not here yet?"

Taehyung said as he glances at the clock then at Jungkook who stood up from his seat, "I'll go get him" Jungkook mumbled and immediately went straight to the door that was opened by Taehyung who escorted him out.







Meanwhile, right outside of the bakery shop, there stood Minjun and Seokjin who were glaring at each other.

"I just want to buy some bread," Seokjin said as he shrugs his shoulder, Minjun scoff and crosses his arms, "no, I own this bakery and I don't want a parasite like you inside," Minjun said looking at him from head to toe, In all honesty, Seokjin could not care less if Minjun calls him insulting names, like Seokjin, just wants some bread but the moment he was about to enter the shop. 

He was there blocking Seokjin's way, "great...this isn't going anywhere," Seokjin mumbled and turned around to walk away causing Minjun to feel bothered, "HEY! you can't just walk away! I am not yet done talking to you!" Minjun exclaimed and grabbed Seokjin by his shoulder as he dug his nails on it causing Seokjin to wince in pain but the moment Seokjin took another step to push use force to make him let go, Minjun accidentally pushed him on the road.

Seokjin's heart stops when he felt himself losing balance and he could definitely hear a car coming towards him.

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