The 2nd Option ( 18 )

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Jungkook came back home with despair written on his face, He couldn't find Seokjin which resulted in him filing a report in the police.

"where are you Jin..."

Jungkook thought but the moment he opened the door, the lights on the kitchen were on, he gasps and immediately rushes inside only to see Seokjin with a book in his hand.

"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?!" Jungkook exclaimed causing Seokjin to jump in surprise, in fact, he was even more surprised to see him getting angry even though Jungkook was the one who didn't show up.


Jungkook was suddenly interrupted when Seokjin slaps his hands away since Jungkook was shaking him, "I should ask the same thing to you...where were you? I waited for you at the university until it started raining...I was crying alone in the rain...where the hell were you when I needed you the most?" Seokjin's words struck Jungkook like lightning, he couldn't utter a word anymore because if he did, Seokjin would get hurt.


Jungkook tried to come up with an excuse but Seokjin was not buying, he scoffs and pushed him away.

"Just tell the truth please..."

Seokjin said with a pleading voice, Jungkook's breath hitched, he took a deep breath before telling him the truth.

"before I left the company...Minjun...the man who came up to us yesterday...he wanted to talk to me...and...and it was a mistake listening to him talk rather than coming to you...I'm sorry...."

Seokjin's lips quivered, he stayed silent for a bit, "...I'm going to sleep..." Seokjin said and remove Jungkook's hands from him, "Seokjin...please hear me was a mistake please..." Jungkook then tried to reach out to him once more but this time Seokjin moved away and looked at him with dull eyes, the same eyes Seokjin had when he was still madly in love with Taehyung.

"...just to let you know...I failed the interview...goodnight"

Seokjin then left and entered the other room spare room leaving Jungkook in regret, he let his body fall on the sofa, the heavy feeling in his heart and the expression Seokjin made was something he did not want to see. He thought he could make things better, he wanted to be a better man for Seokjin after all the pain he has been through. Jungkook wanted to change that, he wants Seokjin to trust him fully but because of his little mistake, a gap in their relationship was created.

|| NEXT DAY ||

Jungkook woke up feeling lightheaded, due to the fact he drank a lot of champagne last night, he then stood up from his bed and left his room only to smell a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen to where he saw Seokjin standing in there cooking.

When Seokjin heard the door open, his shoulder immediately tensed up, he cleared his throat. "morning..." Seokjin said and turn to face Jungkook whose hair was sticking everywhere, he could almost laugh at it but he held himself back.

"good morning..."

Jungkook greeted back with his raspy voice, he sat down on the chair with his breakfast already set but what made him confuse was that he saw an unfamiliar umbrella sitting on the table, "'s a good thing you brought an umbrella yesterday...." Jungkook said but he wanted to ignore what he saw yesterday, Seokjin was wearing the same pink hoodie but it was larger and wider than him and Jungkook knew that jacket was not Seokjin's.

Seokjin shakes his head, "...that...umbrella is from...Taehyung" Seokjin said when all of a sudden, he was grab by his wrist and gently as he was forced to turn around only to witness Jungkook with a surprised expression.

"what did you say?"

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