The 2nd Option ( 7 )

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" to explain?" Yoongi said as he looked at Jungkook intimidatingly, Jungkook gulped and look at him through the eyes, but on the inside, he never regretted kissing Seokjin. It felt so right for him,  Jungkook fiddled on his fingers and let out a sigh.

"um...the mood was kind of right--- EEK! brother-in-law p-please---KYA!"

Jungkook began screaming as soon as he explains why he did it, Yoongi then grabs a metal bat and swings it around almost hitting Jungkook, "I used to be in a gang and I committed a lot of crazy shits so maybe...murder won't be a problem" Yoongi said as anger clouded his eyes but in reality, he was just being overprotective the brother he is with Seokjin knowing what kind of pain he went through with his first love.


Yoongi yelled and chased him around the parking lot with Seokjin watching it all with wide eyes, "HYUNG! PUT THE FUCKING METAL BAT DOWN!!! JUNGKOOK DID NOTHING WRONG!!!" Seokjin yelled as he got out of the house but he was struggling walking around with a cast on, "PLUS I AM NOT A BABY ANYMORE! I AM 24 YEARS OLD!" Seokjin yelled once more but as soon as he took another step, he lost his balance and eventually fell down hitting his elbow on the ground.


Both Yoongi and Jungkook stop as they turn their heads around to witness Seokjin falling down, "Seokj--", when Yoongi was about to run after him, Jungkook beat him to it as he immediately helped Seokjin and carried him bridal style.

"Ah! J-Jungkook...I'm okay!"

"I think the fuck not! your elbows are bleeding!" Jungkook exclaimed as he hurriedly went back inside the house but before he could he turned around and glance at Yoongi who was staring at them with wide eyes.


Jungkook yelled and went inside the house leaving Yoongi in disbelief, he sighs and placed the metal bat on his shoulder along with a small smile appearing on his face.

"I guess I was a little immature of me..." 

When Yoongi returned, he saw Jungkook treating his wounds carefully, Seokjin wince in pain as Jungkook continued to dab on it with alcohol. "why did you even go out?" Jungkook said along with a pout forming on his lips.

Seokjin chuckle as a smile appeared on his face, "well...I have to stop my brother from trying to kill you" Seokjin said as he turned to his brother with a glare once 'kill' was mentioned, Yoongi gulped and looked away with guilt written in his eyes.

Jungkook blushed a little and immediately looked down.

"...his so loveable..."


When it was already night and the rain poured hard again, Jungkook wasn't able to go back home without running and so Yoongi decided that he should stay for the night. Jungkook did expect to sleep with Seokjin but his fantasies were soon crushed by Yoongi who threatened him, thus resulted in sleeping in the living room with Yoongi.

"damn it!... I really want to see Seokjin's sleeping face!"

Yoongi glance at Jungkook who was trying to get some sleep but because of the small space they have, he couldn't. "must be hard to sleep in a small space huh?" Yoongi said as if he was mocking him, Jungkook flinched.

"If I say no, It would be a lie...I was always surrounded by good expensive things and this is my first time sleeping on the floor" Jungkook said as he stared at the ceiling, Yoongi chuckle. 

"it was the only thing I could afford...I'm only a tax was a boring job but at least I'm doing something..." Yoongi said with a frown on his face, "...did you know that Seokjin works at my club?" Jungkook said glancing at Yoongi who nodded as a response, "I know...and I got angry...I didn't want him to work because I want him to finish his studies but well damn the poverty right? he stopped his education and is now working as a bartender in your club...I hope you guys are treating him right" Yoongi said as he glared at Jungkook who could only flinch.


"But you know...Seokjin seems to be happier these days...even as his older brother...I couldn't do anything to protect him from getting hurt...I knew about his feelings towards that bastard...I wanted to kill him but Seokjin begged me not to..." Yoongi said while he clicks his tongue in annoyance, Jungkook frowned, he felt bothered by how madly in love Seokjin was with Taehyung. He had to admit, he was starting to feel something towards Seokjin, it wasn't the need to protect a weakling it was a feeling that he wants the love that Seokjin has with Taehyung to become his all alone.

"Okay! I have decided'

Yoongi immediately got up from the floor and immediately looked at Jungkook who sat up as well, he then pointed his fingers at Jungkook with a serious face.

"I know you're catching feelings with my brother and Seokjin seems to be brighter when he is with you"

"what do you mean...Hyung..." 

Yoongi chuckles and gave him a thumbs up.

"Please keep making me brother happy," Yoongi said with a small smile but that wasn't what Jungkook expected to hear from him, he then slump back down to the bed with a gloomy face.

"I thought you'd day you finally accept me as his future boyfriend and husband," Jungkook said causing Yoongi to click his tongue.

"hah? why would I?"

Jungkook gasp and covered his mouth in shock.

"But we had a bond awhile ago! you! me! like brother-in-law---ACK!"

"sleep you damn brat"

Yoongi said and threw a pillow at Jungkook in which landed on his face, Jungkook pouted.

"hmph! I'm going to be his boyfriend! a really good one!"





Thus the two went with their yes and no's.

Yoongi best brother -u-

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