The 2nd Option ( 12 )

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3 months have passed, everything seems to be going well, Jungkook and I started dating and I changed for the better. At first, I was hesitant as to whether if I can learn to love him since my heart and mind at that time was still a mess but Jungkook gave me some space, and eventually, I ended up saying yes not because I pitied him for waiting for me, I said yes because I realized that Jungkook was the one.

"...Kook...please let me go...I have to go to work" I said as I tried to shake him off but his arms that were wrapped around my waist were sealed tight, I almost forgot, ever since I came back working as a bartender again in his club. He started to hate it because he said that the people there are trying to steal me away from him and I thought what he said was complete nonsense.

"it's 6 pm Kook," I said once more but this time he pulled me back to bed, I groan in annoyance, "no! I'm not letting you go! never!" Jungkook exclaimed, I sigh and rub the bridge of my nose, "can't you just find a new job..." Jungkook said as he pulled me even closer, he was right though, but how can I find a suitable job when I didn't even finish college. "...let's just do the usual okay? if you see them flirting with me again you body slam them ahahaha!" I exclaimed since I intended it as a joke but it seems Jungkook took that seriously since he was flexing his body in front of me.

When I was about to say something, my ring tone immediately went on, I gasp dramatically and got up from the bed. "I AM LATE! IT'S PAYDAY TODAY!!!" I exclaimed as I hurriedly went to the front door to wear my shoes but then Jungkook started to whistle, I turned around to see him leaning his shoulder against the wall as he taps on his lips with a seductive smile.

"'re so annoying..." 

I said and went towards him as I stood on my toe since he was taller than me, I intended to give him a light kiss but the moment our lips touched, he slips his tongue right in and kissed me roughly as he lifted me off from the floor and held me up high without letting me go.

I gasp through the kiss but no matter how much the urge of wanting to go to work, my lips won't let go of his, Jungkook then spreads my legs wide and grind his crotch again mine causing me to arch my back.

"I-I-I have to go to wor--"

I was suddenly cut off when Jungkook carried me towards the bed and drop me there, "Seokjin~ you keep forgetting that I'm your cute boyfriend as well as your boss right?" Jungkook said as he nibbled his lips against my ears, I flinch and diverted my eyes away from him.


I heard him chuckle, he then pulled down his pants as his dick was standing proud, Jungkook licks his lips.

"Bon apetit~"


"in the end, I wasn't able to go to work" Seokjin mumbled as he sighs and looked at the bite marks Jungkook made before he left to take care of something, and because of that Seokjin is all alone inside their shared condominium because the two of them decided to live together, at first he didn't want to leave Yoongi because he would never leave the person who took care of him but soon enough Seokjin began living with Jungkook. After all, Yoongi was the one who persuaded him.

"Yoongi hyung seems weird these days?" Seokjin said while looking out at the window when all of a sudden his stomach growled in hunger, "I should just eat outside" He mumbled before changing to different clothes.

Soon enough, Seokjin finished changing his clothes and left the house as soon as possible since his stomach was begging for food, "what should I eat today? hm~ hm~ hm~" Seokjin hum quietly and walk around the city of Seoul, not many people were to be seen since it was Monday and most of them are busy with work.

"Oh! a coffee should be good---"

"MY BA~~~BY~~~"

When Seokjin was about to enter the shop, Jungkook suddenly pounced on him with a big hug and a big happy smile, Seokjin was startled at first because Jungkook came out of nowhere.

"my baby~ were you waiting for me!?!?" Jungkook exclaimed while giving me a ton of kisses on my face, Seokjin's face went bright red because he was doing this during broad daylight especially on the streets.

"w-w-we're outside!" He exclaimed as Seokjin tried his best to push him away but this man right here, his sweet boyfriend is strong as fuck, Jungkook could only giggle at Seokjin's struggle and made himself heavier as he leaned forward.

"nope~ nope~ I'm going to let you feel my love~"

As the two were busy pushing, the door of the shop suddenly opened causing the two lovers to stop but what made Seokjin even more shocked rather than being surprised was because he saw Yoongi with an unknown man beside him laughing, it was rare for Seokjin to see Yoongi smiling like that.

"Yoongi hyung?"

Yoongi then stop only to recognize Seokjin's voice who stood there while trying to push Jungkook away from kissing him on public.


Can y'all guess who is the guy beside Yoongi hehehe

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