Chapter 2

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Everyone in Magnolia was running in a panic while the wizards were trying to safely get them away from the explosions. "Natsu, Lucy!, you two go find out what's causing these explosions and stop them" ordered Erza. "Wait, are you sure about that?, what about you two?" asked Lucy. "Yes, I'm sure ,both of you got this, Gray and I are going to put out some of the fires from these explosions, now GO!"

 Natsu and Lucy nodded their heads and took off running towards where the bombs were coming from. They stopped in front of a cart full of guys. " You two must be the Dragneels that we've heard about" one of them said. "Yeah, we are, what's it to you" said Natsu annoyed. " well you're what we came for!" The guys launched out of the cart ready to attack them. "All this just to get our attention" snapped Lucy.

 " You dirt bags" growled Natsu. "all these people you threatened just to get me and Lucy out in the open.. You ready Lucy" they looked at each other confirming. Then with their hands together, they ran for them. In perfect synchronicity , looking at each other, Lucy took Natsu and spun him throwing him right in the middle. " Get em Natsu!" she yelled.

He flamed up his fists and sucker punched a few of them while Lucy changed into her Capricorn star dress and landed a few solid kicks on some more of them. 

 "FIRE DRAGOOON ROARRR!!" his attack blasted what was left a few feet away from them. Lucy and Natsu came back together and smiled while the lot of them ran away. "Don't mess with Fairy Tail!" Natsu yelled. They high fived each other turning back towards town to see Erza and Gray walking towards them. 

"Hey, is everyone safe?" Lucy asked. "yes, it took some time and getting the fires out , but everyone is safe" explained Erza. "I see you guys took care of the problem here" said Gray. "yup!" Lucy responded cheerfully. A minute later Nashi and Happy were there. 

" Can I go Happy?" she asked. "go" he replied happily. Everyone looked at her starting to run to them when the sky turned red causing the team to look up. A huge bomb was headed straight for them and was going to land right near Nashi.

A fear caught in Lucy's body as she screamed "NASHIII" Nashi stopped running paralyzed by the sound in her mothers voice. Then as if in slow motion, Lucy ran towards Nashi, forcing her on her knees. Lucy used her body as a shield when she felt hands touching hers. 

She looked up and saw Natsu. "Nat..Natsu" she trembled. "Hey , together right" he smirked as they both acted a barrier for Nashi. "EVERYONE BRACE YOURSELVES!!" shouted Erza as everyone hit the ground bracing for impact. The bomb landed and went off causing buildings to crumble, smoke everywhere. 

 The remaining villagers had started running off to get away from the smoke while the Fairy Tail wizards were running towards Natsu's team. They got to Erza and Gray first. Coughing , Erza looked around at the destruction that the bomb had caused. Her eyes froze on Natsu and Lucy who hadn't moved yet. " She's.ssafe" Lucy stuttered quietly. Natsu made what sounded like a light chuckle as Nashi looked up from her knees at her parents. 

Only getting a brief look at their faces, Lucy and Natsu unclasped their hands and collapsed beneath her feet. "MMM..MOMMY!!!, DADDDY!!!! WAHHHH "Nashi screamed crying. Erza and Gray sped over to her scared while Happy was right behind them.

 Nashi was crying hysterically with her hands covering her face. Erza knelt in front her while Gray checked Natsu and Lucy. "Natsu!, Lucy!, can you hear me, come on guys" Gray checked their pulses thankful he saw that they were breathing but saw they did get injured, burns on their back. " Nashi, sweetheart, it will be okay" Erza said trying to console Nashi holding her but she was still crying. "Natsu, Lucy" Happy cried out sadly.

 Gray got a pissed off look in his eyes as he went running towards the area where the bomb came from. "GRAY , WHERE ARE YOU GOING" Erza shouted. '" AFTER THE BASTARDS THAT DID THIS" Gray replied angrily. "Happy, watch over Nashi" Erza said quickly putting Nashi down and running after Gray feeling just as angry. 

 They ran until they caught up. "it's you, grrrrrrrr" Gray growled Irate. It was the man that had made Lucy leave and almost had her kill Natsu. " You're going to pay for hurting our friends" Erza said darkly. "ICE MAKE CANNON!" Gray's ice cannon came up as bombs of ice came through as Erza attacked in her speed armor. " ICE MAKE LANCE! Gray attacked again.  

The two of them brought them down while Erza snatched the leader up by his collar glaring at him and aggressively asked " why did you come here and no bull shit" she squeezed his collar getting her point across. "I...wanted mmy revenge, she escaped and I wasn't going to let her get away with that" "

You stupid son of a bitch, heed my words, if you ever attack them or Fairy Tail again, the last thing you will see is me running a sword through your gut" she finished solemnly. She dropped him letting him fall to the ground. 

 Scared out of his mind, he got his thugs and himself running as fast as they could away. "Whew, scary" joked Gray. Erza turned with a still terrifying angry look at her face. "eeek ,easy Erza" said Gray holding his hands out in front of him. Her face then softened but still serious said "come on, we need to get back to the others". They ran and saw that Natsu and Lucy hadn't moved but Nashi had settled down a bit thanks to Happy. "Have you seen Wendy yet?" Erza asked Happy who shook his head no. "WENDY!' Gray called out. 

 "Let's get them to the infirmary" said Erza empathetically as she took Lucy and put her on her back while Gray grabbed Natsu. Happy grabbed Nashi's hands and flew her to the infirmary. 

Wendy and Carla came running after seeing them come in " come on , come on this way" Carla rushed them to a room where they could lay the two down. "What happened?" asked Wendy concerned. "They were protecting Nashi from the explosion. She was in the brunt of it" explained Erza quickly. "Reckless fools" sniped Carla. "Carla!" Wendy scolded. "I understand why they did it child, it was just still reckless that they had to do that.. that poor girl" Carla said sensitively looking at Nashi's sad and guilt written expression. 

 " Hey munchkin" Gray came up behind her putting a hand on her shoulder causing her to look at him with tear filled eyes. He smiled warmly and said "none of this is your fault munchkin, none of it, they love you and wanted to protect you.. they will be okay" Her face got emotional as she started to cry out causing the tears to fall. He picked her up where she put her arms around his neck and cried on his shoulder. He rubbed his hand up and down her back while looking at Natsu and Lucy unconscious worried. "Come on guys, pull through..please" he thought. 

 "Carla, lift Natsu on his side so I can heal his back" ordered Wendy. Carla pulled Natsu to his side where the burns were still very fresh making everyone gag. "Jeeze" said Erza through her plugged nose. " Just be glad, It wasn't worse, they could have lost a lot more" regarded Wendy.

She finished healing what she could of Natsu's back and then moved to Lucy. " Carla, please make sure she doesn't move too much" Wendy urged smelling her. 

 She had Carla slowly lift Lucy to her side so Wendy could get to her back making everyone plug their noses again but hers were worse then Natsu's. " Her back was more exposed then Natsu's was. " What's wrong, can't you do what you just did with Natsu" asked Erza. 

"No, Lucy took more of the brunt of it then Natsu causing her shirt to stick when she got burned...I have to remove the pieces which is going to hurt so might be a good thing she's asleep right now" Wendy answered considerately. "let's get Nashi out of here so they can work" suggested Gray as he carried Nashi out. Happy wasn't going anywhere. 

The two people he loved were injured and out of commission. He was going to stay by their sides.  

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