Chapter 8

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     " Let my daughter go now you bitch" He demanded. " Now, now, no harm will come to her, I'm done with her" she replied with ease. Hearing how relaxed she sounded just pissed Natsu off even more as he balled his fists with flames and went straight for her. "NATSU!" the others called out. She sent Natsu backwards with just a wave of her hand. Lucy grew concerned about Natsu seeing as the woman hadn't even threatened her or made any notion towards them all yet then something clicked in her head. "Natsu!, Nashi said she wanted you" said Lucy. 

Registering what she said, Natsu picked himself up and went " oh right, What the hell you want me lady! You went after my family just to get at me! , we've never met..least I don't think we have" "oh Natsu..." Everyone's face went down in embarrassment knowing how bad his memory was. " I certainly don't remember you, do any of you guys? Asked Happy. They all shook their heads. " Believe me, with the amount of magic power this lady has, I would definitely remember facing her" said Gray.

"Sir David, come out would you please?" Lilyana said sweetly as a man in a black armor came walking out from the hall. " Yes my lady, what would you have me do?" he asked kneeling. " Get that arrow ready?" she pointed to an arrow with black smoke coming off it. "No!" thought Nashi. "Daddy, move!, that's a bad arrow" cried Nashi. " I don't like the looks of that" examined Natsu warily as he watched the arrow being loaded up to fire.

 "Now you little brat, you will see what this arrow is for" Lilyana said with a radiant smile on her face. " I don't know what you think your going to do with that thing but if you really know me, then you know I won't be brought down easily!" he said defiantly 

 "FIRE DRAGOON CLAW!! He launched forward at her but she dodged it as if it were nothing making Natsu land flat on his face. "oooh, ow" remarked Happy. "Natsu, get up you idiot!" Gray said annoyed as he strained against the chains pulling at them. " Damn these handcuffs won't budge!" said Lucy "FIRE DRAAGON IRON FIST!" he swung at her again but no luck. 

 " Are you done yet?" she asked bored. Seeing her face just made Natsu furious as he wanted to try one last time to get a shot at her. " He's tried everything and nothing is working" said Lucy with nervousness in her voice. " that guy just standing there?" Erza eyed suspiciously at Sir Eric just standing there. 

"Wait!, is he, NATSU , GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Erza screamed. Making him look away, Natsu said "huh, why". "Now" Lilyanna ordered as he fired the arrow right at Natsu.

It impacted right in the middle of his body before Natsu could even try to dodge it. It forced him down onto his back as he pulled the arrow out slowly in pain. "Wha..wha the hell was that?" said Natsu. " Are you alright? "Lucy asked cautiously. "ahh, I mean it hurts some, oww but I'll live "answered Natsu as he threw the arrow to the ground, but Lilyanna was still smiling. " I don't know what your plan was lady but it obviously didn't work. " Oh I wouldn't say that" Lilyanna answered then started chuckling. 

 " Fire dragoon, ahhh, ahhh" He suddenly grabbed at his chest in pain. "ahh,gahhh,hmmmmhpm" he fell to his knees in pain grabbing at his chest. "Natsu!" Lucy yelled worried. " What did you...ahh..dddoo to me? Natsu managed to get out through grunts of pain.  "I shot you with a demon seed , a seed in which a poison can be taken out and spread" 

Everyone gasped shocked and appalled at what she said. " E.N.D...ahh, are you t obring him back...that part of me is gone" pained Natsu. " No, that was Zeref's mindless zombie, oh no this this is more severe then that. You see once that arrow pierced your body, the poison in it spread and became part of your body, there is no seed to destroy or for anything to be removed. What your doing right now is turning into my dark dragon" "ahhh,geeneee, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Natsu howled putting his hands to head and bending over in pain. 

"NATSU!" Lucy howled. They all tried with all their might to break free of the handcuffs and chains binding them to the wall. "L....Let...ttthem go" muttered Natsu. 

 "I'm sorry, what was that?" Lilyana said mockingly. "Ahhhh, I said let them go!, you only want me right sssoo let the others go..pplease" Natsu pleaded. " Fine" she said simply then waved her hand releasing the chains and opening Nashi's cage. Erza and Gray ran to get her out while Lucy and Happy zoomed over to Natsu. 

She knelt by his side putting her hands over his shoulders. " neeed to go" he told her in a almost whisper like voice. 'AHH" he yelled in pain. "NO" she responded. "I'm not leaving you!" "Aye" He grabbed her throat suddenly squeezing it tightly as Natsu got an evil smile on his face as he tightened his grip. "Natsu!, what are you doing, let her go" cried Happy as he pulled at Natsu's arm that was choking Lucy.  

Petrified , she saw Natsu's eyes turn all black for a moment. " Nat..Na." she choked out. Coming to his senses, he let go ashamed. " You need to go Lucy...gahhh" he grabbed at his chest again.  "I can't leave you Natsu" Lucy cried distressed. 

 " Erza, Gray!, get her out of here" he ordered. Making Nashi stay put, Erza and Gray came over to start to pull Lucy away. "No, NO. NO!" she wailed. "I have to break my promise to you Luce..cough, cough, I'm sorry" he told her melancholy 

"Whhat are you talking about?" Lucy's voice was trembling completely. " I vowed I would always protect you..and be for you.. ahh, I'm afraid I can't" "No, Natsu, I'll help you fight this, your going to come home" she said determined as she fought through Erza and Gray's grip. She was growing hysterical as tears flooded down her face.

 Before she could say anything else, he cupped her face into his hands. At that moment, she felt his hands shift from hands into dark claws scattered with purple and black scales. "Nat" he cut her off by pressing his face into hers with a kiss. She felt the warmth, love and longing in that kiss. For what have could have been forever to Lucy, he gently let go of her face careful not to claw her . 

She stared at him with a pleading and meaningful look in her eyes. He gently took his hands and peeled his scarf off giving it to her. "No No, Natssssu, wwwhat are you ddoing? Her voice cracking

" I need you to take care of this Luce, I love you,.....Go" he whispered. Erza and Gray then pulled hard on Lucy wrenching her backwards dragging her. "NOOOOO, NOOOOO NOO" she screamed. "ERZA, GRAY, GET HER OUT OF HERE!!!!" He boomed his voice coming out in a mix of his and something else that horrified them. Erza and Gray hated what they were doing, 

"NATSUUUU, DADDDY!!." The girls shrieked. Natsu shouted something to Erza and Gray which Lucy didn't even notice in her state. Lucy got one last look at him smiling a sad soft smile at her before he turned away placing his hands out in front of him with his head pointed down. Lilyanna just had a sinister wicked grin on her face. Erza and Gray dragged Lucy and just before he was out of her sight with a last ear piercing scream "NAAAAAATSUUUUUUUUUUUUUAHHHHHHH". 

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