Chapter 15

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      An entire week went by before they thought Lucy would be conscious again. When she fell on Natsu, he woke up to find her blood all over him. Scaring the hell out of him, he howled Lucy's name as the others raced over pulling her off of him and onto the floor. Grabbing whatever they could to bandage her wounds since they had to get her to a healer. 

Natsu had no idea what had happened for a good few minutes until it all came rushing back to him. "What have I done" he cried looking at Lucy's frail body. "Natsu, come on!" Erza snapped as Gray picked Lucy up. He offered to let Natsu carry her, but he adamantly refused ." No" he said depressingly. " I don't deserve to be anywhere near her" Not arguing, the lot of them raced back to Magnolia as fast as they could where Carla and Wendy yelled when they saw the shape Lucy was in. They worked as fast as they could on her knowing they didn't have much time.

While they managed to heal up her wounds, Wendy told them if they hadn't of bandaged her injuries when they did and gotten there, she would have bled out. "it's up to Lucy now...whether she wakes or not" Carla said grimly. Happy had stayed right by her side not leaving even once since she had been asleep. After seeing Lucy, Erza and Gray took a heavily guilted Natsu to the guild shocking everyone. 

 They saw the tortured and broken look in Natsu's eyes as everyone argued over what to do. Shutting everyone up, Natsu decided to be locked up in the jail cell with magic free cuffs by his own choice. Putting himself in the cell , Makarov locked Natsu's cuffs as he couldn't even look him in the eye. "Natsu.." he said quietly trying to get him to look up but Natsu refused. 

He sat himself in a dark corner and didn't say a word. "I am so sorry son, the pain your feeling, I can't even imagine" he sadly walked out of the cell closing the gate when he heard muffled crying. Tears came to Makarov's eyes as he saw Natsu hugging his knees and turning his face away to cry.

It broke his heart as he walked away from Natsu. He had seen Natsu get emotional and angry when it came to protecting his friends and family in Fairy Tail but he had never seen Natsu that broken. Trying not to break down completely himself, he carried himself up the stairs and closed the door to the jail cells leaving Natsu completely alone.

Days later

Happy was asleep holding Lucy's hand waiting for days for any signal from her when he felt a grip. He immediately opened his eyes to find Lucy's hand squeezed around his. He looked at her with big , wide optimistic eyes as he saw her stirring. Letting go of his paw, Lucy brought her hands to her eyes as she rubbed them. 

Opening them, everything was fuzzy and out of focus. "Lucy, Lucy can you hear me?" she heard. She looked down to see a bright blue blob talking to her. "Hap..Happy?" she questioned. She rubbed her eyes again as things came into focus. 

The first thing she saw was an overjoyed Happy. He threw himself onto her crying tears of joy as she gently put her arms around him hugging him back. " Where am I Happy?" she asked. He poked his head up and said "you're in the infirmary. "How long have I been here?" " A week and some days..I lost count" A week!, jeeze" she said with light humor. "SHE'S AWAKE!" Happy shouted happily. 

Sinking into the bed, she started to scooch herself up when she yelped in pain. "Careful" Happy cautioned. "Some of your wounds probably aren't all healed up yet. "Owww" Lucy exclaimed as she got herself raised up and then lifted her shirt making her and Happy's expressions change. All down her left arm to her stomach was a scar. It wasn't red but it still hurt her.

 Lucy didn't say anything as the sadness came to her eyes. Happy felt the same way looking at her. "Happy?" he looked at her. "Where's Nat" but before she could finish, Wendy , Carla, Erza and Gray came rushing through the door with Levy and Cana. "LUCY!" they all happily exclaimed.

"Hey guys" she said with a small smile. "Easy guys, give her some space" said Wendy as she saw them crowding "Mommy..." Lucy peeked through everyone to see Gray holding Nashi's hand as he picked her up and placed her on the bed. Looking at her in silence for a moment, Nashi threw her arms over Lucy's neck crying her eyes out. 

"Mommy!!!!"she cried. Rubbing her hair and back, she cooed "shhhhhh, I'm right here baby, I'm right here, it's alright' "I .. I thought I lost you" she blubbered. " no Nashi. Mommy is right here baby" She hugged her tightly as everyone gave her a small hug happy to see her awake. After a little bit, it was just the two of them with Erza, Gray and Happy. " You have no idea how happy we are to see you smiling Lucy" said Erza warmly. 

"Thanks guys. Please can any of you tell me where Natsu is?" she asked. All three of their faces dropped as they looked at each other. "Guys, what? Your freaking me out, tell me where he is?" said Lucy in a distressing voice. "He's in jail Lucy" Gray answered barely looking at her.

Her heart dropped hearing him say that. Throwing the blanket off her, with Nashi still in her arms, she said direct " get me some clothes please, I'm going to see him". "woah, hold up Lucy, you just woke up and your wounds are still healing" Gray said holding his hands in front of her. "Move Gray" she told him as Erza stepped in front of her. 

"Guys, come on, let me see my husband" "Lucy" Erza said frank grabbing her attention. "Natsu..he doesn't want you to see him" she said gloomy. "I don't care, he is my husband. I am seeing him anyway." She said defiantly. Grabbing her shoulders, Erza looked at her harshly. "Erza..." "Lucy, you sure you want to do this, he's made it clear while you were asleep that he didn't want you to see him when you woke up.

 Looking at her just as harshly Lucy snapped back "Erza, that person down there is the man I married, he is not the one who did this to me, now I am going to see him so you can either get the hell out of my way or you can help me damn it but in any case, I am going to see him and that's final." Knowing she couldn't win, Erza reluctantly stepped back letting Lucy and Nashi through with Happy right behind her. "Hold up Lucy" said Gray stopping her.

She turned around seeing Gray holding a bag. "I figured this was going to happen whenever you woke up so I grabbed a bag of clothes for you, hope it's nothing too bad" he joked as he slid the bag next to her foot. 

Picking it up with one arm, her cheeks turned pink as she said thank you and went to change. Gray got Erza to come with him as they left leaving Lucy and Happy alone. She came out with Nashi on the floor holding her hand. Signaling to Happy, they all started towards the guild. 

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