Chapter 14

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This chapter gets pretty dark. Just to warn     

  Lucy's whole body trembled as he chained her to the wall. Gray who had regained consciousness after being forced to look at Lucy. "What the hell!" he snapped angry. " Your awake, good" "What the hell you doing, let Lucy go" Gray yelled at Natsu who acted like he didn't hear him at all. 

" You scared yet?" he asked Lucy running a hand over her face. One look into her eyes and the whimpers she made told him everything without her having to say a single word. She was absolutely terrified, and he rebelled in it. Seeing Lucy so afraid outraged the other three as they fought with their chains to break them loose. " I know you guys know what those handcuffs are" he said smug as he turned away from them.

 They were annoyed knowing he was right. Natsu swiped his one of his claws across her stomach making solid bleeding lines as the blood came running out. She grimaced in pain but didn't scream. He laughed as he noticed her struggling not to make a sound. 

 Getting right up into her face, he said dispassionately "Oh are you in pain, you didn't make a sound, maybe I should try harder" He dug a single claw on his hand into the center of her hand making it bleed. She closed her eyes and shoved the scream she had in her throat down as hard as she could. Tears were coming out of her eyes as she looked at Natsu. 

"Hmm, I see you still have the wedding band on your finger, maybe I should take that seeing as your husband is dead" Lucy didn't say anything but violently shook her head no as he reached for her hand to take it. "LEAVE THAT ALONE YOU ASSHOLE!!" Gray shouted at him as Natsu stopped partway. "Why should I?" " Because.. that was Natsu's ring, not yours you fucking son of a bitch" Lucy eyed him thankfully as he stood up for her and Natsu.

"I don't really care" he admitted as he slashed at Lucy again. The others could do nothing but watch as they were unable to turn away due to Natsu's spell. Lucy didn't know what to do anymore. The flashes had stopped going through her mind which she was happy for, but her fear had demobilized any thought she might have had. 

 Mentally her brain had locked her out of any conscious feeling she had so to protect her. Natsu was slashing her all over her body while Lucy didn't say a thing. "Aren't you going to scream for me?" he asked humorously. She just stared intently at him as he dug a single hand with his claws together into an open wound on her stomach. 

She grunted as he opened his claw inside it pinching her with the pressure he put in it. Proud of himself, he got up close to her ear and whispered " If you won't do this, think about this then, I'll go up to your daughter with the face of your husband.... And strangle her. Hahahaha, she will die by her father. Getting her feelings back, with a gut-wrenching shriek "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

He laughed hysterically taking his hand out of her wound and running a claw right down her arm all the way to her stomach. "There was that so hard" he shrugged his shoulders. She raised her head up outraged and said, " You bastard!, leave my child alone, YOU ARE NOT HER FATHER!!" her voice reverberating through the castle 

 "Stop" He turned back to the others. "please stop" Erza begged looking at the blood pouring off his claws. "She is bleeding everywhere, you have tortured her enough" "Nahhh, we aren't close to done yet" he said mockingly grabbing her cheeks with a hand and squeezing them. "Are we Luce?" She spat in his face surprising him. He swiped at her cheek with a claw making scratch marks on it. 

" That is not your name to use you son of a bitch, you can kill me if u want but that is not yours to use" she said weakly. She was about to say something else when her vision started to get blurry. She started to see black dots around everything. Natsu grabbed her face. "Nah, no no no, what do you think you're doing." Her face starting to slump over. He looked down to her feet where he saw a massive pool of blood getting bigger. "well I may have outdone myself" he said admiring his work. 

He started to unchain her when almost incapable of hearing  she mumbled "What are you doing?" " I can't have you draining yourself dry like that, I still haven't given up on you." "Wha..what did you say?" she asked him. 

" I said I'm not done with you yet" he replied as he took her down where she limply fell into his arms. "hmph" he snickered as he threw her to the other side of the room. She landed where an immediate blood spot started to form.

'LUCCCCCCCY!!!!!" Happy screamed as he watched her not getting up. " I..I know I heard him." Lucy thought to herself. Natsu's voice suddenly came to her head. " Lucy..the bond we have is something nobody can understand. You called out to me and woke me up." Then the last words she spoke to him came to her. "Thanks for not giving up on me .. Never gonna happen" Realization came to her mind. "That was him, I know it was!" she told herself. " I haven't given up on you yet, wha..what did you say?..I said I'm not done with you yet". "That was Natsu..our bond..I know what to do" she thought in her head but her body was not listening to her as she wanted to get up. 

"PLEEEASE JUST LET ME GO TO HER!!" Happy begged and pleaded Natsu sobbing. " Fine fur ball" he waved a hand unlocking Happy's cuffs as he scrambled to his feet dashing over to Lucy. He knelt in front her head away from the blood pool in the middle. 

" Luuuucy..(sniff, sniff) pleeease, you, you gggg.gotta..get..up, Lucy..ppleease ddo..make me ..loose you too" he sobbed. Erza and Gray were beside themselves with sadness as they could do nothing. 

Tears rolled down both their faces weeping for their friend. "Ha...ha..ppy" he looked up hopeful hearing her voice. "Lucy" he said quietly. "I..I neeed you..r help. "What is it?" he asked. 

"" she said with some determination as he helped pull as much as he could to her feet. Struggling to her feet knowing she was in serious trouble now that she was standing, she coughed getting Natsu's attention. Happy stood at her foot ready to do whatever she needed as he glared at Natsu with hatred.

 " HAHA, your about dead girl, not that I'm complaining because I'll still have my pleasure but what the hell do you think your doing. Your arms, legs and stomach are all bleeding" With a fiery look in her eyes she said " I'm bringing Natsu back". 

 She launched for him surprising both him and Happy as she threw herself on top of him with what strength she could muster. " You know if you wanted to give me a feast, you didn't need to do this" he said with glee as he opened his mouth wide to let her dripping blood fall into his mouth. Kicking her forward with his tail, her body fell forward where he grabbed onto her throat with his fangs and bite right into it.

"LUCYYY" Everyone screamed while Lilyanna just had an wicked grin on her face. Lucy moaned in pain and unwilling pleasure as she was using all her strength just to keep him down. Sucking on her blood, he heard the slight moan her body gave away. 

Unlocking his fangs from her throat, he looked at her and said "like that did you. Her grip on his arms tightened as she got a mad determined look on her face. Magic power started to rise off of her shocking everyone. Lilyanna stood up wondering what Lucy was about to do. "LUCY, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Gray screamed. "LUCY, YOU'LL USE UP WHAT ENERGY YOU HAVE LEFT ,YOU'LL DIE! CASTING THAT SPELL,STTTTTOP!!! Pleaded Erza. 

 Happy cried begging her to stop but she was not going to give up. Coughing, she smiled and said " he sold you out, hehe" "The hell? "Natsu snapped trying to get away but Lucy held him down. She answered"...Natsu, my Natsu , he used your voice to reach me." " Even so, I already told you you stupid bitch that you can't get rid of me" "wanna bet" she joked weakly as she closed her eyes. A bright fire came up blinding everyone.

Lucy's eyes glowed as she in a clear loud voice shouted to the ceiling "OUR BOND IS SOMETHING YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAAAAND, CELESTIAL FIREEEEE POWERRRRR!!!!! " Natsu shrieked and yowled in pain as his scales ,wings and tail started to disappear. His claws turned back into regular hands and feet. " This isn't the end Lucy" he managed to get out before he screamed disappearing. The chains and cuffs holding Gray and Erza instantly let go of them as Lilyanna got up from her chair furious. 

 " Damn you" Erza and Gray looked at her coldly daring her to try something. " This isn't over Fairy Tail, I'll be back" in a blink of an eye, she was gone. Lucy looked down at Natsu. His face and whole body had returned to normal. "Thaaank goodness" she muttered falling unconscious bleeding on top of Natsu. "LUUUUUUUCY!!!!! Everyone screamed.

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