Chapter 10

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         "Natsu.." Lucy said meekly as she slowly walked forward to him. "Lucy!, what are you doing?" yelled Gray worried. "Just stay back" she replied using her hand behind her to signal them. "Na..Natsu" she said again staring at him. After a moment of silence of all them looking at him and him just grinning, he responded "HA" then swiped a claw at Lucy hitting her directly at the stomach. 

"AHH" she cried out in pain as he went for her again scratching her arm before Gray threw himself in the middle of them. " Gggray" she said weakly as she held her hands to her stomach. "I'm not letting you near her" said Gray who kept a calm face but was pissed off. Erza stayed to protect Happy and Nashi. 

Sir Eric showed up a moment later surprising them. " I see you wanted to make an entrance" he said jokingly. " They needed to know who they were dealing with" said Natsu as he started to walk up to sir Eric. " I see well.gahhhhh" Eric's face drained of color and was completely frozen as he looked down. Natsu had punched his arm all the way through Eric's body and out the other side. He yanked his arm back through coming out bloody and messy. 

Fear in his eyes, Eric fell to the ground dead. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" shrieked Nashi at the top of her lungs while everyone was completely horror struck to move an inch.

Turning toward Lucy who was beginning to black out, Gray got his hands ready to attack. " You are not Natsu" said Gray cold and flatly. Acting like he just got the biggest joy of his life Natsu said " Nope, I'm not, that one that you knew is buried far beyond where anyone can reach him" he sneered. Not being able to stay awake anymore, Lucy succumbed to the ground where Gray grabbed her. 

" Lucy, stay with me" he pleaded. " tell her one thing for me would you.. when she wakes up" said Natsu. Gray looked at him, eyes full of rage and said " what" coldly. " Tell her her husband is dead" he said gleefully as his wings came up and he took off. Gray went back to Lucy who didn't hear anything as the last thing she was Gray calling her name before everything went black.

Three days went past since Natsu got turned. By the time they got Lucy back to the infirmary and bandaged, she hadn't said a single word. Gray told her what Natsu had said to him before she passed out. Part of her believed what he told her as she laid in the hospital bed staring into space. "Has she said anything since?" Levy asked stopping by. 

Standing outside of Lucy's room, he shook his head no. "Neither her nor Nashi have said anything since" he told her. "poor Lucy, maybe". Levy attempted to walk in when Gray put an arm out to stop her "No Levy, I wouldn't..she needs...she needs time for this" 

Her eyes grew sad as she looked at Lucy. "She looks lifeless" Levy noticed. " Come on Levy, let's leave them be" as he led the two of them out. Lucy just laid there holding Nashi to her as they looked out the window. Happy was at the end of the bed curled up. "Natsu..." Lucy thought as her mind drifted in and out. 

 She stayed there for another day until Gray and Erza thought it would be unhealthy if the three of them stayed there any longer. Happy was more then ready to get out of the hospital but the other two were not as enthused to move. They led the others to the guild making everyone let out a breath as they saw Lucy and Nashi walk in. She walked with Lucy but Nashi wasn't interested in saying or even looking at anyone, neither was Lucy.

Makarov didn't have the heart to even tell her to cheer up because he felt he couldn't cheer up after hearing one of his children had been lost to them. She sat mutely down at a table with Erza and Gray. Hushed voices were going around the guild as no one knew what to say. Natsu was gone in a way that no one ever saw coming. 

 Going after him wasn't even an option because they discovered as soon as they got back to Magnolia that they couldn't remember how they got there. " She most likely spelled us into forgetting where she is located" Erza said logically. Without even thinking about it, Lucy got up from her seat and walked over to the request board. 

 There were a lot of requests like usual, but a few stuck out to her as the words demon, chaos, help were on some of them. One of them got her attention as they were really close by. Putting her finger directly on it, she turned toward her friends and said "let's go here" In a hoarse voice. 

"Are you sure you want to do this Lucy?" Makarov asked afraid of sending her out there. She nodded her head and almost like she was back to normal chipped up and said "Yes, I want to see if we can help these people" 

"AYE Sir!" Happy responded positively. " I would highly advise against sending you out there but I know that wouldn't stop you so I ask that you just please tread lightly Lucy." Added Makarov clearly worried. "I will gramps, I promise" she answered .

The group of them proceeded to walk out when Lucy stopped and looked back at Nashi. She hadn't said a word and it didn't look like she wanted too. " We'll look after her Lu" said Levy soft heartily. She smiled a small smile and said "just take care of yourself" as she put her hands around Nashi's arms. 

Lucy took the scarf Natsu gave her, it having not left her side since he gave it to her and wrapped it around her neck. "Let's go Happy" she said "Aye" he responded . " I love you Nashi" she said as she walked away. She turned quickly to look at her and smiled for though no words were spoken, the message was clear as Nashi had her hand raised in the Fairy Tail way which Lucy returned. 

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