Chapter 17

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     Opening the door, everyone let out relieved sighs and positive smiles as they saw Lucy and Natsu come through the door. "NATSU!!" Happy exclaimed full of joy as he jumped onto Natsu's shoulder hugging it. "H.hey buddy" he said weakly. "I.I'm sorry for attacking you" he humbly apologized. " Oh , don't worry about it! , I knew it wasn't you. I'm so glad to have you back Natsu!!" he hugged Natsu's arm hard as Natsu said "thanks little buddy" with a grin. "AYE" he responded as Gray and Erza approached him. 

He gave them meaningful expressions which they understood and gave him warm smiles in return as they both one armed hugged him since he was still hanging onto Lucy for support. Everyone started talking when a small voice was heard. Natsu and Lucy looked through the crowd to see Levy standing there holding her arms in front of Nashi. "Da...ddy" she squeaked. "Hey baby girl, hee" he greeted. 

Lifting her arms, Levy let her dash right to Natsu who let go of Lucy dropped to his knees holding his arms out for Nashi. She ran and jumped into them as he squeezed her tight. She couldn't hug him hard enough as tears instantly started streaming down her face as she looked up at him. "Daddy, I..I missed youuuuuuu ssso mmuuch!! She cried. " I missed you too baby dragon, more then you'll ever know" Lucy squatted down by Natsu's shoulder stroking Nashi's hair as she cried. 

Surprising Lucy, Natsu lifted an arm shoving Lucy into their hug as he closed his arms around both of his girls.

There wasn't a dry eye in the guild anymore as they watched a family going though hell and back get back together. After a wonderful and tearful reunion, Natsu and the other two sat at a table while Makarov was talking to them. 

" So she's still out there?, the sorceress who did this to you? He asked. "yeah, we' haven't seen the last of her" answered Lucy for him. "hmm, that is troubling..that and the case of this poison" "Ahem" Erza coughed at him getting Makarov's attention as she gestured towards Natsu and Lucy. He saw the worried looks on their faces. 

"Don't worry you two" he assured putting a hand on each of theirs. "we will figure this out, I give you my word" he said with a positive and certain smile. " Thanks gramps" they both answered as Lucy entangled her fingers into Natsu's hand and squeezed. He looked at her and leaned in. 

Grabbing her face, his lips found hers and passionately kissed her. Everyone turned away giving them a moment. She returned the kiss with as just as much passion and love.

They let go after a minute. " You almost had me forgetting what your lips tasted like..I haven't felt them in so long" said Lucy honestly. "yeah..sorry about that" his cheeks started turning slightly red, but his eyes had a sad look in them. Grabbing his chin gently, she had him face her. "Hey, we've got each other back now, we have plenty of time for you to make it up to me" she grinned. His eyes got their happy spark in them hearing Lucy. 

He put an arm out having Lucy lean her head against his head as he kissed her forehead. Suddenly the guild doors busted open surprising everyone as they all turned around to see who came through. The rune knights of the magic council surrounded everyone. "What?, what are they doing here, the magic council!" was said all through the guild. Makarov stood in front of everyone and firmly said "What's the magic council business here?, I wasn't summoned for a meeting." "This isn't for a meeting or a summoning Makarov" said the captain of the guard. 

" We are here on official business." "Yes and what is that?" " We are here to collect a criminal Natsu Dragneel" Everyone's mouths and eyes widened as they looked at Natsu. He however didn't look surprised. Lucy on the other hand was shaking. "No" she said quietly shaking her head.

 "Lucy" Natsu said cautious knowing the council didn't play around. "WHAT!, I wasn't told about this !, no" he yelled outraged. One of the guild mates held him back as they knew Makarov might regret it. "NO!" Lucy screamed " NATSU IS INNOCENT, THE DEMON WHO DID THOSE HORRIBLE THINGS, ....AND TO ME IS GONE! AND BESIDES, WHY ARE YOU HERE NOW," she was pissed off and wasn't going to let anyone take him. "We didn't know.." he said eyeing Makarov "until someone told us, he was back here." 

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