Chapter 6

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       They got back to the guild where Mira merrily greeted them with a bright big smile. " How did it go you guys?" she asked them. " you know, the usual hee hee, we kicked their butts!" Natsu boasted excited making everyone laugh. " Leave it to Natsu to encourage and boost morale." Said Gray. 

 Lucy was happy he was always the one who boosted everything because when everyone else was feeling down, he was always the one who cheered people up. He was also the one who was there for her no matter and she never wanted to lose that. 

It was because of their bond that he had saved her and never gave up on her when she left. She would do the same thing for him in a second if it ever came to that. But she hoped immensely that a situation like that would not happen to them again. Lucy felt she had had enough heartache for a lifetime. 

 "Hey Asca!, let's go play" Nashi called out to her best friend as she hopped down from Bisca's lap and went to join Nashi. "Stay where we can see you!" yelled Bisca and Lucy.

Everyone was talking and having a good time at the guild while Lucy and Bisca kept a watchful eye out for their daughters but Happy had gone outside to make it easier on Lucy and Natsu for keeping an eye out. 

The girls were laughing and having a good time when something swooped down by them almost grabbing Nashi. "NASHI, GET DOWN" yelled Happy. "NATSU,LUCY!" he called out. The thing or whatever it was came at them again as Lucy, Natsu, Bisca and Alzack formed a circle around the kids.

 " What the hell is that thing?" said Lucy. " I don't know but I know it aint touching these girls" Bisca said assertive as she and Alzack pulled their guns out. 

"BULLET STORM!" she shouted pointing her guns at the dark shadow which as it got closer realized it was a bird. A bird that had dodged her attack. " What!" said Bisca shocked. It came right for them forcing them down on the ground. 

" MOOOOOOMMMMY!!!!!. They all looked up to seeing the bird carrying Nashi away. "NASHIIIIIIIII" Lucy screamed. "FIRE DRAGON BRILLIANT FLAME!!"Natsu threw a large fireball at the bird but It went right through it. " FIRE DRAGON ROAAAAAR!!!! He tried again but no effect. 

"OPEN GATE OF THE ARCHER!!!, SAGIATARUS!!!!" Lucy screamed as she opened his gate and barked " Aim for that bird!" "As you wish my lady" he quickly got his bow and aimed for the birds foot but the bird destroyed the arrow and flew away with Nashi in its claws. 

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, NAAASHIIII" she cried. "DAAAAAMN IT!!!!!"Natsu cursed loudly as Lucy was a tearful crying mess on her knees while Bisca and Alzack held Asca close but had pained expressions on their faces for their friends.

Natsu after pounding his fists in the ground in a fury walked over to Lucy and had her stand up. "NO,NO,NO NO!" she pounded hard on his chest while he didn't say a word. "NOOO, NOO,NOOO, AHHHHH" she screamed and leaned into him 

"OUR BAAAAABBBY!!! He wrapped his arms around her after she finally gave in and wrapped her arms around his stomach. " We'll get her back Lucy, I swear, nothing on this earth will stop us" he told her determined. 

He took her face in his hands and with a sincere voice said " You hear me Luce, we will! Get our baby back" Lucy shook her head fast as she crumbled onto his knees. He put a single hand on her head as she shrieked for her kidnapped child. 

 Everyone had come out, but no one knew what to say. Most of them had no idea what it felt like to lose a child, but they felt for Lucy. She had been through more then what anyone should ever have to endure and then some. Now both her and Natsu's child was stolen and not a single person knew what to do or how to find them. All they could do was watch as Natsu tried to comfort his love.

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