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We have 10 minutes until we leave for this venue for the concert. I quickly grab my bag that carries my costume, phone, and deodorant, they will have snacks there. 

Mel quickly rushes everyone out of the bus and into the venue. It is big. We go in the back door but there are already hundreds of people in line out front. The concert doesn't start for 3 hours, but we have to get there early. I get in and we see the dancers from the other bus already arrived.

I sit down my bag next to other Melanies and pull out my costume. I walk to the bathrooms and change into it. It is the normal girl uniform, but it has blue ruffles. We got to choose what we wanted it to look like, and I quite like this. Allie has a girl top with boy pants. We walk out of the stalls in the bathroom at about the same time. Both of us walk together to hair, we will do makeup after. My hair gets put into two pigtails with blue ribbons that match the ruffles on my dress. Allie has her hair down with butterfly barrettes the color of the girls uniform. 

We walk into makeup chanting about random stuff. Melanie is already in there. Her hair is in two braids and she has on crybaby's normal uniform with a blue ruffle belt instead of purple. My makeup is simple and natural, except my cheeks are very red(in the cute way). By the time my makeup is done Melanie has already left and Allie isn't done, so I go to the main open area behind the stage. We still have 2 hours until it starts. "Hey Melanie!" I yell when i see her. "Yeah?" She asks. "Can I hand out the cookies when  the vip area opens up? I know you were looking for someone to do it." I ask "Yes that would be perfect! Just make sure you are back 30 minutes before we start!" She says. 

30 minutes later(vip area just opened)

I go and sit at the cookie booth. It is a cute table with a pink table cloth and a sign that says 'Crybaby's Cookies'. Each cookie is on a cute k-12 napkin. People start to look around at the cool props from the movie, some starting to get cookies. We also have orange juice.

I am starting to run out of cookies, there are only 18 left. I have 10 minutes before I need to go, 15 minutes until I'm supposed to be back. After only 5 minutes we are out, so I ask Darrle(some random stage hand) to get the extras and pass them out because I have to go. I run back to the others, and we are getting things together. Melanie and Oliver are helping bring props out, and since I have nothing to do I decide to as well. 



Also at the top I put a cute Melanie Valentine's Day wallpaper you can use:)

Melanie's K-12 Background DancerWhere stories live. Discover now