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We were getting ready to go from the concert venue. Melanie was helping gather props. "Hey y/n? Can you go find Oliver and Allie? We need them to help!" She asked. Doing as she said, I searched the entire venue. When I didn't find them inside, I went to look outside. I didn't see them. I peeked my head into the bus. I though I heard something so I went in.

I walk into the bed area and see them kissing. "WHAT. THE. FUCK." I say. They notice me and Oliver turns around. "Please don't tell melanie" Allie says. "How could you betray her like this?!?! Both of you!!" I say, I'm about to explode. "You won't tell mel," Oliver says, he seems completely calm. "Yes I will!!" I yell. "Who do you think she would believe? Her boyfriend or some random background dancer?" He had a point. My eyes got tears. I thought I was friends with him AND Mel, not just some random stage prop. Also I have no idea what to do. I run out of the bus and back to help with props. 

"Where are they?" Melanie asks when I come back. I make some weird muffled grunt. She turns to look at me. "Oh no don't cry what's wrong?" She asks. I can tell she is worried. "Nothing, I just fell and hurt my hand. They are busy right now, tidying the bus." I say "well that's nice of them. Glad you're okay!" Melanie says smiling. 

Oh Melanie you have no idea.

I want to tell her but she wouldn't believe me. I have a sudden idea. If I can catch them kissing I have proof! Melanie can't deny evidence! This is going to be hard to get. I need to take a video.

About 6 days (2 concerts besides the one currently happening) later

We are getting ready for the next concert. I sneak around trying to find Allie and Oliver kissing. I haven't been able to since the first time I saw them. I suddenly have an idea. The vip area! This was supposed to be set up 30 minutes ago so its empty right now. No one is in a place they could see it.

I sneak up so they can't see me, my phone recording. I capture them kissing on the video and sneak out, video still rolling so they don't hear the sound of it getting turned off. I go to the bathroom and edit the video so it just shows them making out. Should I show Melanie? It would break her heart, and that wouldn't be good during concerts.

Now I'm more torn then ever.

Melanie's K-12 Background DancerWhere stories live. Discover now