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We just finished a concert. 4 left. That's insane. Time really flew by. I wanna tell Melanie I like her before it's too late. I don't know how to though....

Mels POV

I really wanna tell y/n I like her but I'm not sure how..... WAIT!  The concert tomorrow! I could play an unreleased song, cooties, and dedicate it to y/n. I did write it about her so it only makes sense. We are waking back to the bus from the concert.

Your POV

I'm watching a silent movie with Mel tonight but we haven't decided which one yet. We enter the bus. "That was an amazing concert! Too bad we only have 4 left" I say "time has really flown by." "Well that's what it does when your having a good time" she says. We dig out our pjs. I go and change in the bathroom while she changed in the bed area. I fish changing and walk back out. I grab my pillows and blanket. We decided we will have the computer on a bed and set up a tent/fort thing to watch it in. I pop popcorn and put m&ms in it. "What movie we watching?" I ask. "Well, I was thinking (your favorite silent movie)" Yes I love that one! "Okay yes!" I say. We get the fort set up and get pillows so we can lay on them. "Can we cuddle? I'm cold" Mel asks. "Oh um of corse!" I say. I get under her blanket with her and cuddle while we watch the movie and eat popcorn.

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