chapter 5

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The next morning we had to go to training and I was exhausted. There were dark circles under my eyes. Eren was the one who planned the all-nighter but he was the first to fall asleep. Mikasa got Eren to bed and Armin went to bed as well as soon as it was 1AM. So I just pulled the all-nighter myself.

"It's aptitude test time, so listen up!" The sergeant shouted, "There is no place for you here if you cannot perform! Fail, and be shipped to the fields."

There were cadets balancing on ropes. I watched as Mikasa stayed steady on the ropes. How was she so good at it? Then I looked over at Eren. He was hanging upside-down.

"What is your major malfunction, Jaeger?" The sergeant screamed at Eren, "Straighten yourself up!"

Once it became evening, me, Mikasa, Eren, and Armin practiced our balance together.

"Just remember the basics and you should be fine." said Mikasa, "No need to try any fancy manoeuvres. Just focus on your balance." She guided Eren.

"Then distribute your weight evenly between the belts on your waist and your legs." said Mikasa.

"Loosen up your stance a little bit. If I could do it, I know that you can!" Armin said to Eren and smiled.

"Okay. A loose stance but balanced. Let's give it a shot, Armin." Eren said confidently.

Armin winded the rope up and pulled Eren up in the air. Eren's feet hovered above the ground. Eren was frightened and soon panicked.

"AHHH!" He screamed and fell right on his face.

"Eren!" I shouted and ran to him, "Are you alright?" I offered him my arm. He couldn't take my arm, he was extremely injured.

So me, Mikasa, and Armin had to pick Eren up. We entered the cabin to eat dinner. I sat at a table with Eren, Mikasa and Armin. Eren was zoned out staring into the distance.

"Hey, Daz. He was talking big about butchering all the Titans but he got real quiet after ODM training, didn't he?" I heard two guys talking, "I guess it's the fields for him tomorrow."

"Can't keep wasting food on the useless." Another one replied.

"Eren." Mikasa put her hand on Eren's shoulder.

Eren gasped and snapped out of his spacing out.

"Worrying won't solve a thing." said Armin, "There's still time to get some practice in come morning."

"How pathetic," Eren sighed, "How am I supposed to kill 'em if I can't even stand up straight?"

We all looked at him with worried faces.

"It might be time to let that dream die." said Mikasa.

Everyone gasped and looked at her.

"What do you mean???" Eren asked angrily.

"I think you should give up this attempt to be a soldier." Mikasa began, "There's a lot more to fighting and combat than just throwing your life away in vain."

"What are you talking about??" Eren asked, "After everything we saw that day, after what happened to my mum, you're crazy if you think I'm just going to walk away!" Eren looked at her angrily but Mikasa didn't look at Eren. She was just looking down.

"I get it. But it doesn't matter how determined you are." Mikasa sighed.

"It...Wait, what do you mean?" Eren stuttered.

"Because whether or not you're fit to be a soldier isn't up to you." said Mikasa.

Eren gasped. The bells rung. People got up and left. I saw Eren and Armin walking away, but I stayed.

"You misunderstand." said Mikasa, "I'm not saying you should return to the fields by yourself. I wouldn't dream of it. Because wherever you go, I'm going to go with you." Mikasa turned around and Eren wasn't there. Instead, Sasha Braus was sitting beside her and nobody else was in the cabin except me, Sasha, and Mikasa.

Me and Mikasa both stared at Sasha in silence.

"So, uh, are you saying that you're not going to finish that?" said Sasha, pointing to Mikasa's bread.

Sasha watched Mikasa split it in half. Sasha smiled, about to thank her and take the bread, but Mikasa ate the bread. Sasha's smile faded away.
Hi! So sorry if this chapter was a bit shorter than others, I will make chapter 6 much longer.

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