Review - The Undivulged Son

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Author - Egwuji

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Author - Egwuji

Introduction -

An author becomes a winner when he/she is able to bring a picturesque view in front of the reader's eyes while reading a chapter. The opening scene is well described, the place where the humans are tortured literally chills the spine. The compassion which the devil has towards a human, the anger his father showed when he came to know that his younger son is emotional, which is a rare sight considering the fact that he is the son of a devil is really applause worthy.

Title - Humans often get curious when they hear a name that sounds cool and attractive. When I came across the term Undivulged, it piqued my curiosity. Not many come up with such a title that gives a glimpse of mystery thriller aura. Good work.

Cover - A devil with white wings is a sure interesting picture. Colourful, attractive book covers always have a huge plus point. The author has the ability to come up with a little more creative cover that will definitely attract more readers.

Blurb - Sometimes, being straight forward has its own disadvantages. The blurb gives away the major part of the mystery, that is, Hailbuzar's brother spreading the virus on Earth and how the former tries to save the humans.

A little tweak in the blurb, like, hiding the identity of the person who spreads the virus on Earth, will definitely increase the reader's curiosity. By creating a mystery around it, the book will definitely go a notch higher in it's quality.

Summary -

God has a son who is the devil himself. He has two sons, elder son is called Albazar and the younger one is Hailbuzar.

Hailbuzar is compassionate and has a little soft heart when compared to his brother and father. That becomes a reason for the others to shun him.

When Hailbuzar comes to know about the chaos his elder brother had caused on Earth by spreading a deadly virus, he comes down to Earth with his loyal servant Zara.

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