Review - The Underground Facility

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Author : Aymenjouini6

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Author : Aymenjouini6

Title : The Underground Facility


Title : "The Underground Facility" serves as the fair choice for the title. The idea behind the title and the meaning of underground facility is fairing explained as the story progresses. When I first read the title, I was like I'm going to read about some privilege that is unknown, like a future plan to some innovation but only after reading a creative and adventurous script, I know the actual underground facility.

Thus, the title suits this remarkable story but don't settle down with this title only, maybe after sometime a more creative name pops up. So keep your options open.

Cover : Cover is superb! I liked the glitch effect in graphics and the font, it shows the level up creativity and imagination.

But yeah add a little more space in "facility", the letter "I" after "L" makes it look "U" only when you look more closely the word is clear.

And make the background image more clear. For the rest, I will just say your hard work has paid off.

The trailer video and in-chapter graphics make the story alluring.

Blurb : For Blurb, you did it right to provide an outline of the story's events and happenings with much-needed suspense.

Providing an overview while arousing the curiosity of the reader is upto your advantage. 👍

But it would be more attractive, if you could add a scene from the story as a trailer because that will serve as a sample of suspense you described. As a blurb of any story does two simultaneous task of arousing and answering the prime questions of the readers.

Summary : "The Underground Facility" is a journey of David, a school bus driver who caused an accident, leading to chaos, deaths, horror - stricken scenes, confusion of situations, a discovery of place but much mystery to absorb.

A place that shouldn't exist, exists, a situation that shouldn't exist, exists, a mystery that shouldn't exist, exists.

It is a story of imagination equipped with modern science and technology, adventurous vibes with chilling happenings to give you goosebumps and fear along with the thirst to find answers to the questions raised.

As a reader, if you are looking for an intense adventure ride without having a hole in your pocket go for it! 😉

Analysis & Evaluation

Character Development : Character formation, their introduction, development and growth is dealt beautifully. You have given enough space and narration to the characters to make a reader understand their role, emotions and undergoings.

Being a story of unpredictable events, action and imagination. It is important to keep that mysterious vibe so the reader is hooked to the story and I'm glad to experience that chill throughout the story. From memory lapse to self recognition to finding partners to solve the mystery, all emotions and feelings of characters are dealt beautifully. And adding comedy and fun elements in such a serious situation is praiseworthy.

Good job here!

Plot : Being a Sci-fi story, just carrying an unrealistic and futuristic idea doesn't make a story technically stand out. But proper setup and implementation of that particular idea makes it worthwhile and innovative.

I liked the step-by-step exploration of raised questions because that doesn't rush the reader to understand what is happening and let's them enjoy the sequential mystery to make the adventure memorable. Plot is well executed!

Description : David being the central character makes it easy for readers to understand the storyline through his point of view. So describing his each sense becomes much more important.

And you have done the describing part splendid. With description, the story was so intriguing that it was difficult to stop reading.

I don't find any extra narration or repetition of words to make the story exaggerated or boring to read.

Description is just wow & awesome!! 👍

Grammar : Grammar, punctuation and sentence formation are excellent. The presentation and format of the story are also good.

Just some typos and negligible errors which you can remove while editing and proofreading.

Sensory Flow : As a reader I have clearly felt the state of confusion, memory lapse and the emotions which David felt while venturing through the forest. Giving an outlook of his mind along with the external environment has given an experience of actually seeing the visuals instead of reading the story.

And when the story starts to reveal its secrets, you experience goosebumps to absorb the events.

Therefore, the Sensory Flow has made its place secure and perfect. Great job!


Overall Impression : I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the story. It was an amazing experience to come across such an artistic and expressive story. This story has the potential to make it big, so your hard work and efforts have not gone waste. Keep writing, you have the talent to achieve great heights. All the best 👍.

Suggestions :

Firstly, I would say, if you could provide a note to explain more about, What work is done in the facility? Although it's explained but for more clarity and absorption.

And secondly, if you could give a name to the supernatural creature. As it would be more attractive and interesting.

These are my suggestions, so it's not mandatory to adopt but you can try if you feel it will help.

That's all, If you have any query regarding review or want to ask something specifically you can comment or PM me.

Regards & best wishes ❤️,

Regards & best wishes ❤️,RidhiRidhi_AG019  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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