Review - Genesis

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Author: Queen_of_life_Heba

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Author: Queen_of_life_Heba

Introduction :

The first showers of rain is always special. Likewise, the introduction part is the best. Ankhesenpaaten and Tutankhamun are two unique individuals and the author has done a marvelous job in their introduction.

I really appreciate the author for writing about the birth of  princess Aankhasenpaaten and her life before introducing Tutankhamun. 

Title : The best title. The name is so unique. It created a curiosity in me to search the meaning. In fact, I am amazed how the author has named this masterpiece so aptly. No other name would do justice.

Cover: A thrilling cover. It gave me goosebumps when I maximized it and saw the characters. The color, the aura, the pictures are a perfect match for the mood of the story.

Blurb: The blurb is good, doesn't give away the plot. A little tweak in the blurb, may be by adding some mystery in it will do more justice.


Lower Kemet's Pharaoh Akhenaten is blessed with a girl child for the third time. They name her Ankhesenpaaten. As a ritual, the high priestess Meritheka is supposed to predict the new born's future. For the first time in her life, the high priestess is unable to see anything. Rather, she is blessed with a vision, the creation of the universe and a divine couple.

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