Chapter 41

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I wake up looking at a hospital ceiling. I feel the needles in my skin. I hear the monitor betting. Then I remembered she fucking shot me. I jump up and snatch all of the cords off of me. She really has done it now. I told her if she ever shoots me I would fucking kill her. Just because I like her doesn't mean I won't fucking kill her.

I feel somebody push me down and look up to see Riccardo.

"Where the fuck is she?" I yell

"She left to get changed calm down," he said picking up the cords I threw on the ground.

"Calm down? SHE FUCKING SHOT ME" I yell. How the hell could he tell me to calm down when she fucking shot me damn near killing me.

"No she didn't," he said and I looked at him confused.

"Richard did so I shot him," he said and I hate myself. I really thought she shot me. I would have killed her if Riccardo wasn't here. The last thing I saw was her aiming the gun and then the ceiling.

I laid back down and he called the doctors in. They fixed me up.

I can't believe that bastard shot me. He really had the nerve. He tried to kill me before I got the chance to kill him.

I needed to get more rest so I laid back down.


After seeing my father I went back to Kilos private hospital. I enter his room and he wasn't awake. Seeing him like this broke me down.

I see there are some clothes for him. Not a suit but a Jacket and jeans. I have never seen Kilo in anything else but a damn suit. I take his jacket and put it on. It was far too big for me. I walk to the mirror they have in the room and look at myself. Damm I look good.

"You always looked good in my clothes" I hear Kilos's voice and I jump.

"When did you wake up," I say calm trying to maintain my excitement.

"After you left," He said.

I walked over to him.

"I thought for a minute there you shot me," he said with a smirk.

Omg did he really think that? That's horrible. He would have fucking killed me. "If I shot you you'd be dead," I said laughing. He didn't think it was funny. He was glaring at me and I knew I just pissed him off.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto him. My face stopped right in front of his and he kissed me. Passionately. His lips were so soft and tender. It felt so good to kiss him. To finally be able to feel him. To kiss him without the worries of him not enjoying it. I love this stage that we're at and I'm never going back.

When we broke the kiss he started laughing. I glared at him as I didn't see anything funny. He always finds a way to ruin a perfect moment.

"What?" I asked while getting off of him.

He bit his lip and looked me straight in the eyes. "Did you just eat Oreos?" he said laughing.

"I did asshole," I said playfully hitting him.

"Ouch," he said. I think I hit him where he was shot.

"Sorry," I said covering my mouth still laughing.

He glared at me. I guess I really hurt him. But I can't help but laugh at how mad he can get sometimes. It's kind of cute. I haven't admitted my feelings to him yet. When he told me he liked me I actually cried. It was too good to be true but also scary. He just wanted to kill me a couple of days ago and now he liked me. Romantically?

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