Chapter 11

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~Act a fool~


Why does Kilo have to be such an asshole and what the fuck is he hiding?

He's up to something and I'm going to find out. I have to.

He's been acting so suspicious lately.

Anyways we will be getting married on March 24 that's only in three days and I still haven't got anything to wear or nothing like that. I just honestly want to get it over with. I want this one year to be over with. I'm already tired of Kilo and it's only been a fucking month.

My whole life has been fucked up. I never met my father I had an abusive stepfather who sexually abused me and hurt me for no reason. My mother died. I was expelled from school for sexual relations with my teacher and now I'm getting married to Kilo.

Life is Fucking hell and everyday Kilo makes it worse.

"Your meeting the wedding planner tomorrow," Kilo says looking at me not paying attention to the road. I was supposed to meet her like a week ago but.

"I'm going to work tomorrow, you can meet the wedding planner," I said while laughing. "and please pay attention to the damn road."

"Don't make me stop this fucking car Kehlani," he said while slowing down.

"Don't make me stop this fucking car Kehlani," I said mocking him. "Leave me alone Kilo."

To my surprise he did nothing. He just started to drive faster which I hated he has a problem with doing this and looking at me while he's driving.

We pulled up to the penthouse and he got out but I couldn't. The doors were locked. He opened the door and picked me up throwing me over this shoulders.

"Put me down KILO," I yelled desperately while trying to get out of his grip but it didn't stop him he held me until we got inside of his bedroom.

He throws me on the bed and locked the door.

I tried to run away into his closet but ends up falling face-first on the floor. Why am I always falling into the worst fucking situations? The number of times I have fell face first are ridiculous.

"owww" I moan in pain. He picks me up with one hand by the waist. Which is umm amazing. How the hell is he so fucking strong. Who can fucking pick up somebody with one hand?

One hand is on my stomach the other is on my waist. He pulls me closer to where my butt is on him. I can feel his hot breath on my neck and I start to get nervous. He moves my hair over and pushes me even closer.

He sighs " I'm sorry for putting my hands on you the other day."

I stayed silent. He must have seen the bruise he caused. It's nothing new my whole teenage years I was abused by my stepfather mentally and physically. But that doesn't make it ok.

I assume he's gonna do something.

"I was gonna punish you," he said laughing and pulled out some handcuffs. I tried to move.

"Stay," he said as he starts moving my hips and we start dancing. My hips moved in his in perfect harmony while his head rested on my shoulder. I lightly moaned when I felt his hardness on me. (Y'all sorry for that. omg what was a hoe writing😭😑)

He turned me around and we started slow dancing. This time I didn't step on his feet.

"You've gotten better."

"Yea, Riccardo taught me," I said trying to make him mad. I liked being this close to Kilo but I didn't.

He spun me around back to the position we were in. "You want me to cuff you to the bed? don't ?" he said whispering in my ear giving making me shiver.

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