Chapter 17

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"What the fuck was that Kilo?" I ask

"Shut the hell up," he says with anger driving faster. He really in his feelings because I had him chasing a damm phone around the city.

"No, Why the hell did you put a tracker on me?" I hiss.

"You're my fucking wife."

I laugh. "So"

"Didn't you learn your lesson?" he said referring to the kidnapping.

I sigh. "Your really fucking sick in the head."

He laughs very loudly and turns to look at me while he's driving. "You haven't seen shit yet baby."

I roll my eyes "I fucking hate you."

We pull up to the hotel and he gets out. I lock the door and stay in the car scared to go in. He doesn't stop me he goes in. I feel relieved that he left me alone. My eyes get heavy and I fall asleep.

The Next Morning...

I wake up laying in a bed. How the hell can I sleep through shit. I try to move my hands but they are cuffed to the bed. Fuck. I fully open my eyes and see I'm not in the hotel. I look around and see big beautiful windows with a stunning view.

I hear noise so I sit myself up.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" I hear Kilo yell which makes me jump. Glass was being thrown and screaming was constantly being echoed through out the house. I get scared. Who is he yelling at and who is yelling at him?

A door slams and I hear footsteps. Kilo storms into the room bloody with a piece of glass in his hand. Blood was running down his face and his hands.

"Good Morning," he says as he walks into the bathroom. I sigh in relief. What the fuck is going on. He looked like he just killed somebody.

I hear his gun cock and he storms back into the room. My heart starts beating really fast and he stops and stands in front of the bed. I start moving to try to get out of the handcuffs. He has the cuffs on my wrist tight and they are starting to bruise.

He is still bloody and looks like a manic.

"What the fuck Kilo," I yell struggling to get out of the handcuffs.

"Watch your fucking mouth Kehlani," he says as he toys with the gun.

He aims the gun at me and I stop. I swear I didn't another inch.

"Your not scared of me huh?" he asks.


"HUH?" He laughs aiming the gun at my head. "Does this scare you, babe," he yells with anger. My heart was beating so fast it felt like I was about to explode. I have never had a gun pointed at me before and damn it's scary.

It does scare me but I can't let him know that. I look at him and see the devil in his eyes. He stares at me pointing the gun. "Why do you have blood on you?" I ask with a shaky voice. I take a deep breath. I cannot show him that I'm scared.

"Where did you go yesterday?" he asks getting closer.

"The fucking museum" I spat at him.

"Watch your tone there babe," he says as he gets on the bed crawling towards me. He sits on top of me. He taps my forehead with the gun and with each tap he says a word. "Where" tap. "The" tap "Fuck" tap "Did" tap "You" tap "Go?".

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