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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story

  "AHHHHHH" screamed the young teen Benjamin Tennyson. After screaming for a while, he realized that he wasn't dead and was laying on concrete in what seems to be an alleyway. He opens his eyes and looks around. "What the heck, where am I? I was just in the lower atmosphere at Mt. Rushmore." Ben mumbles to himself. As he was standing there, his memories came flooding back to him, how before when he was falling there was this pale light blue portal thing opened up, but he wasn't falling alone! Kevin and Gwen were falling towards their death with Ben, but while Ben was awake they were unconscious. As his thoughts were thinking of his cousin and his best friend, they went to the one guy who put them in this situation. "Vilgax" Ben shouted with venom covering his words when he said his name.
   Ben was hoping that Kevin and Gwen were alright and safe and were with him, in this strange place. As he was walking out of the alleyway he saw this giant golden planet shaped thing on top of a building that read "The Daily Planet". Ben thought for a moment but he couldn't recognize that name but he let it slip. He started to run trying to get to Mt. Rushmore and to finally put an end to Vilgax. He looked at his wrist where the omnitrix a watch like rested on him. It still needed time to recharge so he just got a head start on running giving it time.

  He started to run but he couldn't recognize where he was. This place wasn't Bellwood or Mt Rushmore. He had no clue what direction he needed to go. He looked at the omnitrix and remembered it had a gps on it. When he checked the gps it said he was in a city called Metropolis. He couldn't remember a city called that but he let it slip for now because he needed to get to Mt. Rushmore and stop Vilgax. He started to run again not paying any mind to the people giving him strange looks on why a boy is running. He checked the gps again and it said he was 1,270 miles away. 'Well better start running, it should be done charging in a little bit' Ben thought

  A couple minutes later and the omnitrix beeped a neon green, and Ben didn't waste any time. A flash of neon green coated Ben and he changed into Jetray, his fastest alien. He flew all the way to Mt Rushmore. But when he got there, it was peaceful, nothing was happening. Vilgax and his ship wasn't there and neither was Gwen or Kevin or Grandpa Max, not even their vehicles were there. Something was wrong and he couldn't figure out what it was. He sneakily walked towards the entrance of the Plumbers entrance, he turned back into a human and put his hand on what should be the security pad but nothing happened. Thinking he was just being dumb and put his hand on the wrong spot he tried to find it but luck wasn't on his side and he couldn't find it. He turned into Ghostfreak, hoping he could enter the base that way but he just went through the mountain finding no base. Now he was starting to panic. He took deep breaths and started to think until he got an idea on what was happening. "Great, I'm probably in another universe. Ugh what now?" Ben shouted to no one in particular.

  He looked at the omnitrix and tried the communication feature, "Gwen?" Nothing "Kevin"Nothing. "Grandpa Max? This is Ben 10, can anyone hear me?" Nothing "Does anyone copy?" After no reply he gave up. 'Usually when stuff like this happens Paradox explains these things first but he's hasn't showed up, except that one time when.... oh" Ben thought. With that he turned back into Jetray and was about to go back to Metropolis but then something strange happened. A bright light came and three figures came out.

One was colorful wearing bright blue and red underwear and a giant S on his chest with a red cape. He has black hair and blue eyes. The other guy was the complete opposite wearing all black, black suit, black cape, black bat like helmet. He had a bat symbol on his chest. The only color he had was a dim lifeless yellow utility belt around his waist. Then a actual goddess, he guessed. She was wearing red armor and yellow decoration and a blue skirt armor thing. She had a glowing yellow lasso and a shield behind her and in her hand she had unleashed a sword. She had black hair and was very pretty.

Are they hero's? (Ben 10 and Jl/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now