Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the story
Grunting in pain, Vilgax wakes up in pain inside a glass container. He tries to bang on it and break it but his arms are strapped around him, trapping them in place. He hears faint footsteps coming to his direction. They grew louder. The doors open and in comes a man or what looks like to be a kid petting his pet cat. He laughs realizing he's awake. 'His laugh is as annoying as the tennyson kid.' He thought
"It seems like the specimen we found unconscious has awaken, oh goody!" He says excitingly. "The light will be delighted. You are going to make a good toy." He says
Hearing that he's going to be made a toy, angers him. "I am the great Vilgax. War lord, destroyer of multiple worlds, I will not be made into your stupid toy, you annoying human." He says calmly with a hind of anger.
"I am not a stupid human and the light will be very happy to know you a war lord. You will be very useful on taking down the Justice League. We shall finally rule the world." He said
The boy walks away, to urgently call the members of the light to tell them the information he got from Vilgax, paying no attention on the soothing anger coming out of him. He looked to his sides getting a good look on his surroundings, he notices all of the Dnaliens are being made.
'This could be good.' He thought, he figured out that he's not in his world anymore and he could find this boy and whoever the light is useful in beating his enemy Ben Tennyson. He waited for the boy to come back, but he didn't. After of couple of days, he haven't seen of heard from anyone.
It's been a couple of days and he wasn't fed anything. He was hungry and thirsty. He needed food and water soon or he was going to die there. Then an alien guy with horns came with a tray. He could smell the delicious food filling his nose. For a second it looked like he was drooling.
He was then free for awhile and was aloud to eat and drink. He guessed they wanted to see how long he could go without food and water...or they just forgot to feed him.
Once he was done, the alien guy picked up the tray and left Vilgax. Vilgax was about to walk around and hopefully escape but a tiny alien jumped on his shoulder and his horns turned red, taking control of his mind and body. He was then put back in the glass prison unable to escape.
After weeks of being trapped in the glass container and being fed every couple of days, he was becoming angering wanting to be free. Finally, the kid came back, along with his cat. He was let go, from the prison. He stood up and dust off invisible dust off of himself and an alien took his place on Vilgax shoulder. He was about to toss him aside, his horns grew red and Vilgax mind was being controlled. He could no longer feel like he had control of his body.
"You and your aliens that were with you are to create destruction in the city to get the Justice League attention. We don't want you to beat them all yet just at least one of them. Think of it as getting a field test so we can get a feel of what you can do." The boy said
He didn't say anything, he just nodded and walked off, heading to what seems like the exit. The dnaliens following behind him. They entered the city, people were already screaming out of fear of his ugliness. He ordered the dnaliens to cause some destruction. They smashed cars and broke buildings and other things.
It was cold out and they were free to do anything just to get the attention of the hero's, but what they weren't expecting was the new hero's to come. Vilgax felt like he knew them until it clicked when he saw their symbols. It was them! They were here, and they were ruining his fun and plans once again.
He ran towards them, this time planning on finishing them off for good. He wasn't going to let them escape, they've done it before but this time it was going to be different. It just had to be.
754 words

Are they hero's? (Ben 10 and Jl/YJ crossover)
FanfictionWhat happens when the Ben 10 team fall through a portal during their fight with Vilgax and end up in another world with the Justice League and the Young Justice. But what if the Justice League mistook our hero's for villains? This is the best summar...