What happens when the Ben 10 team fall through a portal during their fight with Vilgax and end up in another world with the Justice League and the Young Justice. But what if the Justice League mistook our hero's for villains?
This is the best summar...
Ben was walking around a food market, looking at all the different kinds of food. Hoping he could find a Mr. Smoothie to get food there but he couldn't so he just went to go find a bunch of fruit and stuff.
He was able to find a couple of apples and bananas but he wasn't sure what else to get. He looked up at the stars and saw the goddess Wonder Women he met this morning flying looking around, along with a guy wearing black and had a green outline around him and a symbol similar to Ben's.
He realized they were probably looking for him. 'They must be tracking me by the energy spikes that pop out when I transform, just like how Vilgax tracked him'. He started to walk away from them trying to create some distance just to be on the safe side, since they've never seen his human form.
He was pretending to look around for more food, so to not act suspicious. The two hero's went down, asking people if they seen a mantra ray looking alien flying above. He tried walking away until someone tapped his shoulder.
"Hey there young boy, I'm Wonder Women, I was hoping I could ask you a question?" Wonder Women asked
"Oh yea, sure how can I help the hero Wonder Women ." Ben said trying to act causally
"Heh I was wondering if you seen this manta ray creature, it might be an alien were not sure?" Wonder Women asked
"Oh umm no I haven't seen it, is it dangerous?" Ben asked getting into character
"We think so— Wonder Women was caught off by a missile going up in the sky. While Wonder Women was distracted by the missile in the air, Ben ran off, getting away from him.
'Kevin must be in danger.' Ben transformed into Cannonbolt, trying to get to Kevin in time.
Wonder Women and Green Lantern saw the missile flying up in the sky, they flew to where the missile was launched. They saw Batman, and Flash fighting a guy who looked to be the same material as the bat mobile.
"Stand down" Green Lantern told everyone. Batman, and Flash went near where the three newly arrived hero's are. Kevin turned the hammers back into his hands but he didn't depower. Having enough of this Wonder Women in leased her sword at went to go attack Kevin.
Kevin turned his hands into maces and blocked all of Wonder Women attacks. Kevin was thinking how much longer he could stall or how he should attack. Not much longer Cannonbolt came and slammed into Wonder Women. He went to go attack Green Lantern. He put up a shield but Cannonbolt just crashed through it and hit Green Lantern and smashed him onto the ground. Cannonbolt went to go attack Batman but he was able to doge all his attacks. Cannonbolt attacked Flash multiple times and knocked him out and Green Lantern was also unconscious. After multiple hits from Kevin and Cannonbolt, Wonder Women was starting to get injured.
Batman hit a button on his utility belt, and the hero's disappeared. Kevin depowered and Ben turned back into his human form. They got into that Batmoible and drove off. They went to a garage area and Kevin went to check the car.
He took out the tracking device and destroyed it. "So got any food?" Kevin asked
"No, I dropped the fruit to go save you and there's no Mr. Smoothie so I didn't know what to get." Ben replied with
Suddenly a flash of pink light came, and a figure was showed. Once the light dies down, Kevin and Ben looked to see who it was. Appeared was Gwen. "GWEN!!" Kevin and Ben yelled
Gwen laughed "good to see you guys too. You guys didn't cause any trouble did you?"
"I didn't, but Kevin over here did." Ben replied quickly
"Yea I guess I stole this dark brooding guys car. I think he's a hero but I'm not sure" Kevin said
"You guess? And I think his name is Batman or something like that." Ben said
"Hero's. There's more then one and they all created a group called the Justice League. It's a bunch of hero's that work together and Batman is one of the founding members" Gwen stated
"Oh boy." Ben and Kevin said at the same time
Gwen sighed "So I'm guessing we all had an encounter with members of the Justice League and not in a good way."
Ben and Kevin nodded their heads. "So what now?" Kevin asked Cannonbolt/
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Home planet: Arburian Pelarotas Powers: have an armor that makes Vitruvius invulnerable and when curled up and roll at high speeds. 797 words