The three hero's rush to the explosion sight. So far there's no hero's there yet. Ben now as Omni-X looks around to see the cause of the explosion.They see the dnaliens attacking and destroying cars and buildings. In the middle of the street Ben sees Vilgax.
"You two take care of the dnaliens. There weakness is fire and heat. Contact the league. I got Vilgax." Ben says running to his number one enemy
He runs as fast as he can and slams on the watch transforming into Way Big. Ben is now a giant alien over 100 feet tall. Vilgax goes to punch him again but this time Way Big punches back.
Vilgax was thrown hundreds of feet away. Vilgax gets back up and jumps up into the air and shoots out a laser with his eyes. Way Big puts his arms to his face and blocks the lasers, hardly feeling anything.
————————————————————Kid Flash pushes the symbol on his chest, contacting the league. Robin quickly runs off and throws discs into the dnaliens making them explode, which causes a fire. Kid Flash then uses the fire to make a tornado by running around in a circle and attacks some of the creatures.
Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern shortly arrive to where Batman and Robin is at.
"Where's Omni-X? Wasn't he with you two?" Batman asks quickly getting into battle with the others"He went to go fight Vilgax or something. He told us to contact you guys and beat up the dnaliens." Robin replies to his mentors question.
Robin and Wally go back to fighting the dnaliens together. They do the same thing, Robin throw the disc making them explode and Kid Flash uses the fire to make a tornado and use it as a weapon to kill the dnaliens.
Batman and Superman leave the fight to go help Ben or Way Big to defeat Vilgax for once and for all. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern continue to defeat the dnaliens. Shortly more of the league members including Gwen and Kevin arrive. They head over to where Ben is and quickly with no hesitation hit Vilgax.
Vilgax summons some cyclones at the hero's. Way Big isn't affected but the other hero's fly back a hundred feet or so.
Way Big swings his arms and a green laser shoots out hitting Vilgax making him fly hundreds of feet back.
Batman looks back at the hero's. He thinks for a second before he taps on the ear communicator.
"I have a plan. Listen up." Batman demands and explains the plan to the league members
The league members surround Vilgax and with all their might they use their strongest ability or power and attack Vilgax at the same time along with Way Big who overhead the plan.
The smoke clears and Vilgax isn't affected by any of the power, still being able to stand up perfectly fine. Way Big, Gwen, and Kevin go to attack him again.
After a few hits, Vilgax is thrown into the water. Vilgax is then turn into his true form. He is now a giant green octopus with red eyes and a purple mouth I think.
The hourglass symbol on Way Bigs chest starts to beep red. "Aww crap.' Way Big thought
Way Big transform back into his human form.
"Now what?" Green Lantern yells
"He's weak in this form." Kevin yells
"If we can electrocute, freeze him, or get him out of water then it should defeat him. And if not we might have to wait for Ben's ultimatrix to charge back up so he can transform into Toepicks." Gwen yells
Batman stays quiet and thinks for a second. "Ok Green Lantern, and Gwen you get Vilgax out of water and then we can put a inhibitor collar specialized for him and then we can send him to the null void."
They all nod their heads. Gwen and Green Lantern fly to where Vilgax is at. They attack him a few times, to weaken him.
Batman, and Superman grab a inhibitor collar to make it specialized to him, while Ben and Kevin rush to their base to get the null void projector to send him away.
————————————————————The rest of the team shows up to help Robin and Kid Flash. Connor gets right to it and starts punching every alien who gets in his way, letting his anger take control. Wolf also helps Connor and bites every alien and taking them down.
Artimis shoots arrows that start to beep when they get stab into their victims. Like the discs Robin throw Artimis arrows explode, letting Kid Flash and Flash make tornados to attack the dnaliens.
Kaldur uses his weapons and turns them into water hammers, he hits the dnaliens causing them to go crashing into the buildings.
Miss Martian uses her mind to pick up the dnaliens and make them crash against each other.
One by one, they all defeat the dnaliens, having no one to fight anymore. They meet up with each other, just to make sure there's no more aliens left.
"Where are the others?" Kaldur asks
"Off to fight Vilgax. Ben, Gwen and Kevin's number one enemy." Kid Flash explains
"Let's go see if they need any help." Robin says running off
The team then runs off with the other league members to go help the others with Vilgax.
————————————————————Ben and Kevin come back with the null void projector just in time. Batman and Superman just finished adjusting the inhibitor collar.
Gwen attacks Vilgax once more, to distract him as Green Lantern created a dome around him flying him to land, as he tries to escape. They put all of their power into keeping the dome up so he won't escape.
They land him in land letting the dome go. Batman and Superman run up to Vilgax with the collar in hand. Vilgax slowly starts to turn back into his humanoid form. Once he was small enough to put the collar on Superman quickly puts it on before Vilgax has time to attack them.
Once they get the collar on, Kevin quickly activates the null void projector and sends him into the void.
"I will come back for the ultimatrix Ben Tennyson." Vilgax says as he is sent into the null void.
Once Vilgax is sent to the null void, Kevin deactivated and everyone let's out a sigh.
Ben, Gwen, and Kevin fall to the ground, crying tears of joy. The all get into a group hug, happy that they finally got rid of Vilgax.
The senior hero's watch as the group of three cries tears of joy, they seem happy as hell.
The team shows up, and sees the group of three they once considered enemy's and now friends crying tears of joy.
People start surrounding the hero's, clapping and yelling out their names. News casters come up to them slamming them with questions.
Superman went up to the crowd of newscasters and answered most of their questions letting the three teens have their moment.
1178 words

Are they hero's? (Ben 10 and Jl/YJ crossover)
FanfictionWhat happens when the Ben 10 team fall through a portal during their fight with Vilgax and end up in another world with the Justice League and the Young Justice. But what if the Justice League mistook our hero's for villains? This is the best summar...