Meeting the Young Justice

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the story

A couple weeks have passed and the Ben 10 team have been stopping small crimes, there are rumors going around about them but nothing big that will get them on the news. Business with Mr. Smoothie is going great. There making a lot of money and a lot of teens hang out there. People love the chili fries and smoothies but people wonder where the building came from and who those people came from. People also wonder where the new hero's come from and what they call themselves and if there apart of the Justice League? Black Hill doesn't get a whole lot of new people moving in there. Usually they only see tourists but new people is a new thing so of course, a lot of people are talking about them.

     A could of weeks passed and none of the league members have seen the three criminals or the bat mobile. The league members decide to give the young justice a mission to locate the bat mobile.

    The young members sit in the cave bored out of their minds. They finished all their homework not too long ago. They haven't had a mission in what felt like forever but in reality they had a mission two weeks ago. "Recognize Batman 0-2" kid Flash zooms into the mission room and sees Batman waiting for them there. Then in comes Robin, Artimis, Miss Martian, Superboy and Aqualad. "What took you guys so long?" Kid Flash jokes

     "Shut your mouth Kid Idiot." Artimis fires back

      "What is the mission Batman?" Asked Aqualad

       "A couple weeks ago, someone stole the bat mobile when Robin took it out to stop a bank robbery. The culprits who stole it seem to be three meta teenagers. One can absorbed any material, one has powers like Green Lantern but without a ring and she has teleportation magic, and the last one is the most dangerous one, he can shapeshift into a bunch of creatures. We don't know how many though." Batman said

      "Wait Batman why are we given this mission, shouldn't you or someone from the league stop them?" Robin ask

    "You are not to engage in battle with them, I'm serious this time. They all are extremely strong enough that they were able to beat 7 members of the Justice League, so what ever you do stay away from them, if you do see them, report them to us." Batman said strictly

     "Understood what all do we know about them?" Aqualad asked

      "I've sent Robin an email of all the information we have on them and where they were last seen." Batman replied and then he went back to the zeta tubes "recognized Batman 0-2"

      Everyone walks into the garage and walks into the bio-ship and gets in. "Robin send me the coordinates." Miss Martian says

     "Already on it." Robin says

     "Got them." Miss Martian says
      "So Robin, what do we know about these criminals?" Aqualad asked

     "Umm, there's a red haired girl who has energy like powers like GL but doesn't need a ring, a black haired boy who can abosred any material and turn his body into any weapon and a brown haired kid whose a  shapeshifter." Robin said

     "We know that already Robin, what's something new, something that can actually help us find where they've hidden the bat mobile." Kid Flash said

Are they hero's? (Ben 10 and Jl/YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now