Chapter 24 - Anthony

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- Chapter 24 - Clubs and Stuff -
Warnings: Nerves?
Third Person POV

Anthony, who was very confused, follows Mush to the fields in the back of the school.

Mush leads him to JoJo, Elmer, Buttons, and Romeo.

"Hey, guys!" Romeo exclaims, waving at them with a huge grin on his face.

Anthony smiles at the sight. "Hey."

Mush and Anthony stop, standing in the little circle the six of them made.

"What are we doing?" Anthony questions.

Mush, JoJo, Elmer, Buttons, and Romeo share smirks.

Romeo puts his arm on Anthony's shoulder. "Well, you aren't in any clubs or stuff other than Newspaper with us."

"Plus, you've talked a little bit about certain things you've liked," Buttons adds, sharing a smirk with Mush.

Mush puts his arm around Anthony's other shoulder. "So, we're taking you to a few of those clubs and such to see if you could join them."

Anthony's eyes widen. "Guys-"

"Please." Elmer uses puppy eyes. "Just try it. If you don't like it, you don't have to do it, but please just try."

Anthony caves, biting his lip. "Fine."

The five other boys high-five. "That was so much easier than I thought it would be."

"Just no dancing stuff." Anthony states.

Romeo frowns. "Why?"

Anthony rubs the back of his neck. "Uh- I- I just don't feel comfortable doing that yet. I'd rather just dance with you guys."

The five boys smile.

Buttons puts his hand on Anthony's shoulder. "That is perfectly fine. This is new for you. We aren't going to force you into anything."

Anthony exhales, nodding. "Thanks."

Buttons nods, shooting him a warm smile.

Buttons immediately saw some of Anthony's nerves calm down, and him relax. He had been really tense before.

"Let's go!" Elmer exclaims, as he and JoJo grab Anthony's hands. (JoJo had his left hand and Elmer had his right.)

Buttons and Mush chuckle as they watch Elmer, JoJo, Anthony, and Romeo running together, giggling.

"He's like a Sunshine boy." Buttons comments, chuckling.

Mush nods. "He fits in perfectly."

Buttons smiles, putting his arm around Mush's shoulder.

Mush smiles, doing the same with Buttons.

Buttons looks at the four boys ahead of them, laughing. "We better catch up to them. Don't want them to do something stupid."

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