💄Elvira Entwistle: Mean Beauty Queen💄

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💄Elvira in picture💄

The next morning, Willy and Charlie were in a meeting coming up with new candy and chocolate flavors, when an oompa loompa alerted them that another Silver Ticket had been found.

The Chocolatier and his apprentice raced to the television room to see at least thirty oompa loompa's watching as a morning news report flashed onto the screen.

"The second Silver Ticket was found just this morning in San Francisco" an anchorman named Avery James said.
He was standing in the middle of a large penthouse apartment, decorated with only two colors, black and white.

"The lucky winner is known as Elvira Entwistle. This young lady has won the local San Francisco beauty pageant five times in a row and is now currently making her way to the Miss United States Pageant and then the Miss Universe Pageant."

The news showed a woman who was quite lovely and appeared to be applying make-up like a pro. The young woman sat in front of a trophy case full of diamond tiara's and silk sashes from past beauty pageants.

At first Willy thought this Elvira could be the one, but then she opened her mouth and sound as artificial as plastic.

"Well, I think it's pretty obvious that I'll be the winner!" She said, like it truly was obvious. "I mean every man wants a beautiful woman and I'm as beautiful as they come."

"You seem quite confident that you'll be the winner of the contest" the anchorman stated.

"Of course!" she said "I mean, look at me! What do I have to be insecure about? Mr.Wonka is going to be blown away at the sight of me!"

"Is their anything you'd like to say to the public or Mr. Wonka himself?" The anchorman asked her.

Elvira looked into the camera and said "To my male public, I'm still available until the contest date" She winked. "To my female public, don't hate me cause I'm more beautiful than you. And to Mr. Wonka, I hope you like you're arm candy gorgeous!"

The news then switched to a commercial break and Charlie looked at Mr. Wonka, who was trying to put on a brave smile.

"Well, at least she's..." his voice trailed off as he tried to think of something nice to say about Elvira. He soon gave up. "I don't know what she is. But third times a charm, right?"

Charlie forced a smile and the oompa loompas nodded, supportively.

Suddenly the news came back on as an anchorwoman announced:

"We interrupt this commercial message for a breaking news story! The third Silver Ticket has been found in Florida by a woman named Vicky Glockenberry! Third times a charm, I suppose!"

"Okay! Now I am positive there's a connection between the television and the telephone!" Willy said "those news reporter people can hear me! I'm sure of it!"

Charlie sighed and watched as they were about to show the third Silver Ticket Winner...


Meanwhile Matilda Hartman was trying to forget her troubles. That night, she got dressed up a little and went to her favorite dessert bar for a milkshake.

Danny's Desserts was Matilda's favorite restaurant in town. When ever she stepped inside she felt like she had walked into a 1950s diner, probably because that was the restaurants theme.

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